Epic Games really wants Fortnite to be the go-to game for esports in 2018. I mean they really want it to be a big thing, so much so that they're pumping $100 million worth of prize winnings into Fortnite tournaments throughout the 2018-2019 competitive season.

Specifics about how exactly this $100 million will be distributed have not been disclosed by Epic. However, the company has hinted that they're doing some unconventional things with that $100 million.
We’re getting behind competitive play in a big way, but our approach will be different - we plan to be more inclusive, and focused on the joy of playing and watching the game.

Hm? What in the world does that even mean? Are they giving spectators some cool prizes? Are they going to pay people to watch the game? I'd be down for that. Just make the check out the "Cash."

As for that $100 million figure, it's larger than the top 10 esports prize pools combined in 2017. This is according to Scott "SirScoots" Smith on Twitter.