If you purchase Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition from Origin prior to May 1, 2018, you will get some costumes straight out of The Sims 4. Of all the pre-order bonuses out there, this is right up there with some of the oddest ones. There is also some Final Fantasy XV content for The Sims 4. Specifically, Sims 4 players will get a Noctis Lucis Caelum outfit for their avatars. Because of course.
From the game’s launch day on March 6, 2018, until May 1, 2018, players who purchase FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION via Origin® will unlock a unique Sim-themed outfit featuring the famous The Sims 4 Llama Suit and Plumbob for use by Noctis in the single player campaign, and for players’ avatars in FINAL FANTASY XV MULTIPLAYER EXPANSION: COMRADES™.

Players who pre-order the game from Origin will also receive the bonus “FFXV™ Decal Selection,” containing an array of colorful decals for the Regalia car celebrating Gladiolus, Prompto, and Ignis, along with the men and women of the Kingsglaive.

Exclusive content isn’t limited to FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION players, however, as beginning March 8, 2018, those who own The Sims 4 will be able to download a special crowned prince Noctis Lucis Caelum outfit for their avatars to celebrate the launch of FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION.

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