Frostpunk 2 Delayed Until September 20th


  • Frostpunk 2 Delayed Until September 20th

    From July to September.

    The city builder known as Frostpunk 2 has been delayed. Originally slated to hit PC and Game Pass on July 25, 2024, Frostpunk 2 will instead now release on September 20, 2024.

    This delay comes after a Beta for the game landed in the hands of players. Design director on Frostpunk 2, Jakub Stokalski, explains that while the reception to the beta was very positive, they want to prioritize working on those things that "didn't quite land yet." As such, 11 bit studios made the decision to shift the release date to a later time, which will grant them the additional time they need to make sure everything is as good as can be.

    11 bit studios will be taking this added time to work on new game mechanics, a new feature called Zoom Stories, and big changes to the user interface and user experience.

    Image showing improvements to a core game mechanic in Frostpunk 2. Image showing changes made to the UI for Frostpunk 2 from the beta.

    Based on the surveys we received from you after playing, the average rating you gave the Beta was 8 out of 10. We’re super grateful for that! At the same time, the Beta was only a small slice of a work-in-progress, still growing game. While our backlog is plentiful, the Beta was an opportunity for us to listen to what you enjoyed, and what didn’t quite land yet. This allowed us to prioritize things better, and bring to the front the features and modifications we were already working on (we hope!) you’ll enjoy the most.

    Before we go into detail on the new additions, there’s one drawback we need to be upfront about. As we analyzed your feedback and prioritized things we want to add to the game, we realized that to properly do them justice – and to guarantee the best possible experience at launch – we need more time to finish the development of Frostpunk 2. That’s why we made the difficult decision to postpone its release to September 20th, 2024.

    We know this is not the news you wanted to hear. However, we believe these additional features are something you deserve to see in-game on day one, not in a patch added after the release. We can only hope you understand that our decision comes from a place of wanting to create the best game possible for you. One thing is certain – these few weeks will pass by VERY quickly for us, because we’re cooking some really exciting stuff. The list is too long to go through all at once, but the highlights include new additions to the game mechanics, extensive UI & UX enhancement and, by popular demand, a new city feature we like to call Zoom Stories.​
    This information was shared in a lengthy post made on Steam. The post goes into detail on some of the changes being made to the core game mechanics, the improvements to the UI, and details about those Zoom Stories. All of the details shared about these changes, additions, and improvements sound great and should hopefully make fans happy in the long run.
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