Riven Remake Now Available


  • Riven Remake Now Available

    Experience it in flatscreen or in VR for the first time.
    Key art showing a dome on a small land area surrounded by water with a long walkway leading to it.

    Riven: The Sequel to Myst has been remade. Today's release brings the classic 1997 title to a new era with updated visuals and features on top of a myriad of difficult puzzles. Today's release of Riven can be played in either a traditional (flatscreen) mode or in VR. It can be yours for under $35 via Steam, GOG, Mac App Store, or the Meta Store.

    If you liked Myst and never played Riven, you absolutely must play this game. It's an incredible game in so many different ways.

    When exploring Riven's decaying age, the player will feel like an archeologist, slowly unraveling the mysteries revealed by carefully exploring Riven’s five enigmatic islands. Players will lose themselves in the world as they uncover clues, decipher foreign languages, and immerse themselves in the game’s intricate lore.

    Key Features:
    • Intricate Storytelling and Mind-Bending Puzzles: Challenge your intellect with Riven’s cunning puzzles woven throughout its narrative.
    • Immersive Environments and Stunning Graphics: Explore surreal islands, each meticulously crafted with unparalleled attention to detail, from dense, lush jungles to awe-inspiring caverns.
    • An Expanded World To Explore: Encounter an immersive and visually stunning world that will captivate newcomers and reveal new mysteries for long-time fans.
    • Fully Re-imagined Gaming Experience: Experience Riven like never before, with free movement through a real-time 3D environment. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer returning to Riven or a newcomer eager to explore Riven’s mysteries for the first time, this immersive and visually stunning world will captivate you.
    • A Truly Immersive Experience Developed in Parallel for Flatscreen and VR: Cyan Worlds is simultaneously developing the flatscreen and VR versions of the game to ensure a high-quality experience regardless of players’ platform of choice.​

    • Shawn Zipay
      Shawn Zipay commented
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      Riven was already a pretty creepy/eerie game originally. I just tried it in VR and yeah, it's way more unnerving.

      Also it's such a wild thing exploring these fully 3D environments and puzzles in VR that I haven't seen at all since 1997.

    • AzaleaBC
      AzaleaBC commented
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      self-narcissist tangent: I met someone once at a party, who went by the online handle "Riven". She was saying, "my name is from", and I instantly butted in with "the sequel to Myst" and she burst out in a big smile cus it was true. Was a very cool moment.

    • cikame
      cikame commented
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      The only downgrade i think is the lack of the FMV actors, the 3D models aren't quite up to snuff but honestly it's like 1% of the game so it gets a pass from me, it's like running around the police station from RE2 in 3D for the first time except multiplied because it's Riven.
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