Dr Disrespect Admits to Exchanging 'Inappropriate' Messages with a Minor


  • Dr Disrespect Admits to Exchanging 'Inappropriate' Messages with a Minor

    And people are still defending him.
    Dr Disrespect the moment he found out he was fired from Midnight Society.

    Herschel "Guy" Beahm, also known as Dr Disrespect, just admitted to exchanging messages with a minor that "leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate." This admission comes directly from Beahm, who just posted a lengthy statement on Twitter.

    Beahm's statement comes in response to statements from former Twitch employees that claim Beahm was banned from Twitch after it was discovered he was sexting minors and/or making plans to meet up with a minor at TwitchCon. It also comes just a day after Midnight Society severed ties with Beahm, a studio he co-founded, after conducting their own investigation into the allegations.

    In his statement, Beahm flatly admits that he exchanged "twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017."

    Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more.
    Beahm says that "nothing illegal happened" as "no pictures were shared" and because he "never met the individual."

    Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual. I went through a lengthy arbitration regarding a civil dispute with twitch and that case was resolved by a settlement. Let me be clear, it was not a criminal case against me and no criminal charges have ever been brought against me.
    Beahm continues on to admit that he "should have never entertained these conversations to begin with." He says, "I'm no fucking predator or pedophile." This reads like a direct contradiction to his previous line about how the conversations, with a minor, "leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate."

    Since initially posting his statement to Twitter, Beahm has edited his statement several times now to remove and then add back in the word "minor" when referencing the "individual" he was exchanging these inappropriate messages with.

    • cikame
      cikame commented
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      From what i'm understanding from that recent letter from an ex Twitch worker who was there at the time, the settlement was offered by Twitch due to the messages being found not to be criminal and the workers actions having breached "internal data protections policies and CCPA regulations", since both parties would prefer if everything was swept under the rug the settlement was made.
      If he sues them again i assume the silence agreement will be void, which to me means whatever the messages are Beahm doesn't mind them being scrutinised again, there's also him being fired by his game studio based on these messages which i assume were leaked to them by the Twitch workers originally involved since no one else knows what they are, but considering the messages "aren't criminal" that sounds like an unfair dismissal suit waiting to happen.

    • Shawn Zipay
      Shawn Zipay commented
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      He'd be incredibly fucking stupid to attempt any legal action and risk the discovery phase airing all his inappropriate messages to a minor to the public. The ones he self-admitted to writing. But then again he literally wrote inappropriate things to a minor and then publicly admitted he wrote inappropriate things to a minor, so we already know he's actually dumb enough to consider legal action.

      This letter you bring up was something that was read by asmongold (I won't even get into HIS issues right now) on a recent stream, right? Most of what that letter contained was completely debunked mere hours later by Doc himself when he posted his public admission of guilt. The email says that nothing bad happened while Doc flatly admits he sent inappropriate messages to a minor. Even in Doc's own subreddit, a place for those who hugged Doc's nuts the tightest, say that the email is completely fake, full of holes, and was almost completely debunked by Doc's own words just hours later.

      There was no conspiracy. The Doc really is a sick fuck. He made his own bed and he now has to lie in it.

    • AzaleaBC
      AzaleaBC commented
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      I will get into Asmongold's issues. I like a lot of what he has to say on gaming. Unfortunately, the *rest* of what he has to say, and boy does he know it, riles up his sycophant followers (as can be read in the comments every time) who are staunchly everything-different-from-them-phobic. Be it race, gender, sexuality, you name it.

    • AzaleaBC
      AzaleaBC commented
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      And we're back. https://www.azalea.world/4OrNyR1Kp4.png

    • Shawn Zipay
      Shawn Zipay commented
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      I saw! Was tempted to put up a news story about that.

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