Next Crazy Taxi to be a Multiplayer Online Game in a Big Open World


  • Next Crazy Taxi to be a Multiplayer Online Game in a Big Open World

    This won't be the Crazy Taxi you knew and loved.
    An image from the new, in-development Crazy Taxi game.

    Instead of being a single player title, the next Crazy Taxi from Sega may be an online multiplayer game set in a big open-world environment. This is according to a new video Sega put out where they talk about the upcoming title and provided a few looks at several game modes, vehicles, and visuals.

    In the video, the team says there have been a few difficulties in moving from a single-player game to a live-service multiplayer title. The video can be seen below but it is all in Japanese. Insider Gaming was able to translate some of the important parts of the video, which have been shared here.

    Sega’s Sapporo Studio talks at length about the city, stressing that it has been designed with realism and a sense of freedom in mind, with players being given a plethora of activities to explore in a ‘theme park-like environment’.

    In the trailer, there are shots of police chases, stunt-based modes, and general exploration with other players zipping around the world taking on their tasks all at the same time. Sega’s team explained that car design and customisation will also be a thing, and there were shots of artists working on character models, which leans into the suggestion that players might be able to travel on foot.
    Some longtime fans of Crazy Taxi are already worried about this drastic shift for the franchise. There is no word on when the new Crazy Taxi will be released, so perhaps it's a bit too early to worry about the game we have seen so very little of.

    • AzaleaBC
      AzaleaBC commented
      Editing a comment
      Well, this definitely meets the title. It's got taxis, and Sega are crazy.
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