Sea of Conquest Updated with New Heroes


  • Sea of Conquest Updated with New Heroes

    New content for you mobile strategy fans.
    Two pirates, a female and a male, standing on a beach near some water and pyramids.

    Ahoy there, landlubbers! The free-to-play strategy game, Sea of Conquest: Pirate War, was just updated with some new content this week. The latest update offers two new Heroes, Sahra and Kartal. The update also kicks off Season 5 for the game with new tactics to master, new areas to explore, and more.

    Sea of Conquest has apparently been awarded accolades such as Best Mobile Game: Strategy, Best Mobile Game: Audio Design, and Best Innovation. I'm not 100% sure where or what organization bestowed these awards to Sea of Conquest, but the press release says they won and who am I to argue with anything I read online. I accept everything as the truth and question nothing.

    Anyway, this free-to-play title is available for iOS devices, Android, and also on PC via a standalone download. Sea of Conquest is available courtesy of developer FunPlus.
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