Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Announced


  • Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Announced

    Lookin' good, Frank.
    Remastered Frank West jumping out of a helicopter in the Dead Rising remake.

    The photographer that has covered wars is back, but not with a sequel. Frank West and all his zombie slaying action is set to return in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Though being billed as a "remaster" the visual overhaul and other changes present even in the teaser trailer make it seem like a full remake of the original Dead Rising.

    No release date was provided in the first trailer, nor were any specific platforms. The original game made its debut as an Xbox 360 exclusive. An HD version of the original game did eventually come to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2016. It wouldn't seem unreasonable to expect Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster to appear on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

    Maybe we'll have more information when Capcom actually sends out a press release for this announcement, which they have not yet done.

    All we were given for now is a brief glimpse at Frank as he makes his way to Willamette Mall via helicopter. We also hear his new voice, which is somehow worse than his voice in Dead Rising 4. The dream of having T.J. Rotolo reprise the role of Frank West seems to be well and truly dead.

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