EA Shows Off Pre-pre-pre-alpha Skate Gameplay


  • EA Shows Off Pre-pre-pre-alpha Skate Gameplay

    Closed beta registrations are now open.
    Skate pre-alpha gameplay

    The latest video for the upcoming Skate game shows off some very early gameplay footage. How early? Very. The footage says that what is being shown off is from a pre-pre-pre-alpha stage of development. Also, I guess this video confirms that the game will be simply called Skate (stylized as skate.) instead of Skate 4.

    Despite this early stage of development, the team wanted to show everyone what they've been up to since the game was announced. They say that "it's still early, but we really want to get this right and that means we want you to be a part of it."

    To that end, EA and developer Full Circle, are seeking playtesters to join them on the next batch of testing.

    We told you we’re back, and we’re still working on it - but it’s time for you to see what we’ve been up to. It’s still early, but we want to get this right and that means we want you to be a part of it.

    As a skate. insider, you have the chance to play early versions of the game and provide feedback throughout our development journey. We need to scale access to skate. gradually as development progresses to ensure a smooth experience, and that means we can’t guarantee how soon you’ll get to play.

    To find out more about the skate. insider program and playtesting head over to our FAQ here.

    The skate. insider playtests will be CLOSED playtests for anyone selected to participate. Sharing any videos, captures, screenshots or streaming of anything in the game is prohibited. Please make sure to read the full terms and conditions before signing up.
    The new gameplay video shows off some skateboarding, obviously, as well as some sick parkour and free running moves.

    The upcoming playtests have not yet been dated. You may be waiting for a long time to get in. Even when they start, the rollout will be gradual in order to ensure a smooth experience.

    • cikame
      cikame commented
      Editing a comment
      I had concerns about the game, it had been so long since the previous entry, the developer was folded, would they even be able to recapture the magic? But it seems they are it looks great, some people saw the inclusion of off the board stuff in THUG as the beginning of the end but i loved it, and i've always wanted a high budget parkour game though i know it's not the focus. As far as skate is concerned more options will always be better, giving players the freedom to use and abuse the physics is what gave the previous games such a long life span.
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