Today, Vampyr introduced two new ways to get going on your blood-sucking, live-saving adventures. The update includes two new difficulty modes, one that makes things quite easy and one that, obviously, makes things quite difficult for those seeking a challenge.

Let's take a look at the new "Story Mode" option and the new "Hard Mode."
Story Mode de-emphasizes combat, placing a greater focus on the narrative so players can enjoy Dr. Jonathan Reid’s journey with less challenging gameplay. On the other end of the scale, Hard Mode makes combat much more difficult. Players will receive less experience from killing enemies, forcing them to rely even more on embracing citizens to grow in power. Upon starting a new game, players will be given the option to choose from these two new modes or a third ‘Normal Mode’ if they wish to play the original Vampyr experience.

Today's update also includes various optimizations, fixes, and gameplay tweaks. Those with Nvidia cards can now also utilize Ansel to take high resolution screenshots, including 3D shots that can be viewed on your phone, PC, or in VR itself. I actually didn't know you could do that. That's kind of awesome.

You can find the full list of changes here.