Riot has taken another small step to clean up their League of Legends community this week when they banned popular YouTube personality Dunkey from their game. Dunkey was notorious for being a bit of a jackass in the in-game chat and it finally came around to bite him in the ass.

Dunkey was notorious for posting things like the following using the in-game chat.
"You are a fucking worthless braindead scumfuck bastard pile of trash mental dickface that should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are."

His fans would undoubtedly say that Dunkey was just joking around. Most rational people fail to see the punchline in statements like the one above. Dunkey decided to go the tantrum route after the ban, deciding to go out in a blaze of pompous glory instead of bowing out with an air of grace and humility.

A video posted by Dunkey following his ban had the YouTuber claiming that he apparently decided to rage quit the game that made him popular. He called the game boring and said that "talking shit is probably one of the only fun parts of this boring ass game. I wonder if they understand that the root of toxicity is the game, it's just not fun and it pisses people off." He also remarks how League does not work as a competitive title, despite it being the most popular eSports title in the world right now.

Lead Game Designer at Riot, Jeffrey Lin, issued a statement about the ban:
"We really can't show favoritism to someone just because they are a pro or a known content creator. We have a zero tolerance policy against hate speech, racism, homophobia, and sexism and that policy stands whether you’re a random player, a pro player, or a YouTube celebrity."

His suspension only seems to last until later this week. Whoa, Riot, let's calm down with that super lengthy ban time. I'm sure the kid will be back playing League of Legends by this weekend.

(via Destructoid)