The latest major update for PlanetSide 2 gave a much needed overhaul to most of the continent of Amerish. Highlights include a new Lattice System and all-new base layouts.

Performance Optimizations - The number of unique objects, overall object count and polygons per object have been optimized

Lattice System - The Lattice System has been implemented, which includes repositioning of outposts and roads to optimize map flow

Facility Updates - Facility satellite outposts have been converted into stand-alone outposts and updated with new level designs

Outpost Additions and Optimizations - Nine new outposts have been added to fill voids in the play space and balance the lattice flow, while original outposts have been optimized to create infantry play spaces, reduce spawn camping and increase room for vehicle battles

The PlanetSide 2 site has a few additional details about the changes made to Amerish.