The Finals Open Beta was a Big Hit


  • The Finals Open Beta was a Big Hit

    Over 7 million players tried the beta out.
    Two people taking aim at each other in an alleyway between buildings.

    This past week, developer Embark Studios held an open beta for their destruction filled competitive FPS, The Finals. It proved to be a massive hit, pulling in 7.5 million different players throughout the week.

    Embark Studios took to Twitter to state that the open beta made for "an unforgettable week." Using feedback pulled from the beta, the studio will now set out to make adjustments and fixes ahead of the game's release. That release date is still not yet known.

    The Finals is made by a bunch of former Battlefield franchise developers at DICE. The game will be free-to-play when it eventually comes out. It will also feature quite a bit of environmental destruction, which should appease Battlefield fans that have been missing that seemingly forgotten "Levolution" feature that has been absent in recent Battlefield releases.

    The beta quickly hit player capacity in the opening days. On Steam alone, concurrent player numbers hit over 267,000 at peak, pushing it into the top five most played games on Steam.

    • jimykx
      jimykx commented
      Editing a comment
      Honestly loved the game.
      The possibility for teamplay actually at times felt to me truly more like old school battlefield than battlefield feels like battlefield nowadays.
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