Big Changes Coming to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Remaster


  • Big Changes Coming to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Remaster

    Square Enix talks about some of the changes that make this more than just a remaster.
    Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7 Reunion

    This past June, Square Enix announced that they are working on a remaster for Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII that Square Enix is calling Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Reunion. Details were quite scarce at the time of the announcement besides the fact that Square is bringing this once PSP exclusive to the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch, and PC.

    It does seem like Reunion will be more than just a simple resolution bump. Square Enix took to Twitter today to provide some additional details on the changes that are being made.

    Resolution, texture work, character models, and the camera are all getting big improvements. Reunion will also make use of the new looks for both Aerith and Zack from Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

    The game's user interface is also being optimized. The battle system will be menu-based, though additional details about how combat will play out were not shared. From the little Square Enix shared, it does appear as though the combat will be quite close to the original still. This does include the return of the "Digital Mind Wave" (DMW) mechanic from the original game.

    On the audio front, the game will include new background music arranged by Takeharu Ishimoto. Scenes that previously did not feature any voiceover work will now be fully voiced in Reunion.

    Crisis Core Reunion is slated to be released this winter. The game places you in the shoes of Zack Fair and his quest to find missing SOLDIER Genesis Rhapsodos. Crisis Core is a prequel to the events that take place in Final Fantasy 7.
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