The Chinese Room has released a trifecta of fresh media today for Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. This includes a bunch of new screenshots, a new trailer, and even a new song. Let's start with the new trailer, move onto the screens and wrap things up with some new information and the song by Jessica Curry. Sound good? Great!

Everyone’s time is split between chewing through bugs and carving out time for as much polish and finesse as we can. There’s always something that can be improved. Late tweaks to design, signposting, player flow, discovery — this is all still happening. Rotating a prop by a few degrees can make a dramatic difference to how you navigate a space, or the likelihood of encouraging an area to be explored in more detail. Small adjustments to things like audio volume, or the area boundaries of ambient or procedural sound, can have an impact on the emotional tone of a space or moment, which has a knock-on effect to things like pacing or the interpretation of a story beat.

The Chinese Room's Dan Pinchbeck said that the "end is in sight" and that they will soon announce a launch date. To wrap things up, here is "The Mourning Tree" from Everybody's Gone to the Rapture.


(via PlayStation)