You may remember the above video from a year or two ago promoting the visual fidelity coming with Unreal Engine 4. Well, it may have taken a while, but the Unreal Engine 4 Elemental Tech Demo has been released to the public today.

Yes, you can now see if your system will be able to handle a tech demo experience on Unreal Engine 4. There are some fairly important things to make note of here prior to downloading the demo.
The "Elemental" tech demo for Unreal Engine 4 surfaced on the web, to use it use the following guidelines:

- You have to extract its files into a folder, and manually edit its settings INI file to specify resolution, window behaviour, and other settings.
- You have to install VC++ 2013 runtime if you don't already have it (the redistributables are included in the archive)
- Run the demo from the relevant batch file. Unreal included both 32-bit and 64-bit executables.

Alt+F4 closes the demo down (there's user interface in the demo) there also is no internal benchmark. You'll need to set the resolution with ~ and then SetRes 1920x1080 (or whatever resolution you are using), and you can view your FPS with Stat FPS. (e.g. ResolutionSizeX=1920; ResolutionSizeY=1080)

The following download links are what Guru3D currently lists for the tech demo. If these links ever stop working, be sure to check out the Guru3D page for the most updated download links.