Valve released an update for Team Fortress 2 today. There are a lot of fixes in the update.

Changelog for TF2 for February 11, 2015

- Added Crate #90 and Crate #91 to the drop list
- Removed Naughty Winter Crate 2014 and Nice Winter Crate 2014 from the drop list
- Added convar sv_rcon_whitelist_address. Rcon clients failing to auth from the specified IP address will never get banned.
- Added convar r_drawtracers_firstperson to disable the drawing of first person bullet tracer particles
- Added "redirect" client command that can be used to send clients to a different server. Does not function for clients that came from matchmaking or certain server browser tabs.
- Fixed an exploit related to the "connect" command allowing servers to redirect clients when they should not be able to
- Fixed a client crash related to extreme viewmodel_fov settings
-- The viewmodel_fov convar is now clamped to valid values. Users who were using this to hide the viewmodel and tracers should use r_drawtracers_firstperson 0 and r_drawviewmodel 0 to achieve the same effect.
- Fixed missing Killstreak sheen effects for the Iron Bomber
- Fixed the Explosive Headshot upgrade in Mann vs. Machine not applying to The Classic
- Fixed the Panic Attack not using the correct sound for crits
- Fixed The Peacenik's Ponytail not using the correct team skins
- Fixed not being able to switch away from the Minigun while spinning down
- Fixed not being able to deliver wrapped Giftapult packages
- Fixed The Classic zooming-in when the Sniper teleports while charging a shot
- Fixed The Bootenkhamuns not hiding the correct bodygroup when equipped
- Fixed the Diamondback accumulating crits for backstabbing invlun players
- Fixed players not receiving timed drops when running the game in Ukrainian
- Updated weapons sounds for the axe_hit, blade_hit, and cbar_hit sound effects
- Updated the equip_region for the Brimstone
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
- Updated the localization files
- Mannpower mode changes:
-- Fixed bug that sometimes caused two intel briefcases to spawn
-- Reduced capture trigger size to match capture area on CTF_Gorge
-- Powerup changes:
--- Haste: Doubles the Medigun's uber charge build up speed
--- Vampire: Reduced health leeched when using the Flamethrower and Minigun