High on Life: High on Knife DLC Out Now


  • High on Life: High on Knife DLC Out Now

    Stabby stabby.
    Screenshot showing an enemy being attacked by weapons with faces, with lots of blood.

    Squanch Games just released the High on Knife DLC for High on Life. This new DLC includes new story to play through, new scares, and some new weapons to utilize. This DLC takes place after the events of the main game, so be sure to play through the main campaign first.

    High on Knife is out for $14.99 (USD) on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox. Those that don't own High on Life yet can pick up a bundle that includes the DLC for $49.99. Game Pass subscribers get access to an exclusive bundle that includes the base game and DLC for $19.99.

    High On Knife is essentially a big new bonus episode set after the events of High On Life’s campaign. Your bounty-hunting hero comes home from adventuring, only to find a missed-package slip for a delivery meant for your knife companion, Knifey. Knifey convinces you to head to his home planet to pick up this mysterious package, and then a bunch of stuff happens. Funny stuff. And spooky stuff!

    High On Knife features (amazing!) all-new performances from a variety of well-known actors and comedians, including:
    • Gabourey Sidibe (American Horror Story, Precious) as Mux, the sinister (and foul-mouthed) head of intergalactic shipping titan Muxxalon
    • Sarah Sherman (Saturday Night Live) as Harper, a chatty ex-military pistol with a dark origin story
    • Alec Robbins (Squanch’s head writer) as BALL, a new pinball-inspired gun operated cooperatively by a trio of gibberish-spewing little guys
    • Ken Marino (Party Down, The State) as an alien parasite that is going to be a part of your bounty hunter’s mission. Look, it’s going to attach itself to you, OK?
    • Michael Cusack (Smiling Friends, High On Life), reprising his role as Knifey​
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