The Mortuary Assistant is Being Turned into a Movie


  • The Mortuary Assistant is Being Turned into a Movie

    The Mortuary Assistant

    A feature film adaptation of the horror game is now in production.

    The Mortuary Assistant is a fairly competent horror game that released way back in the far-off time of August 2022. As far as new horror games go, it wasn't exactly terrible which meant that it picked up quite the decent following from horror fans of the world. Apparently, it was popular enough that publisher DreadXP and developer DarkStone Digital just announced a film adaptation of the game.

    In The Mortuary Assistant, you are a new hire at a mortuary. You are tasked with performing rather routine mortician tasks while dealing with haunting happenings that get more and more horrifying. To survive the night, you must perform the tasks laid out before you, identify the correct demon inhabiting one of the corpses, and exorcize the demon.

    The film adaptation will be written and directed by Jeremiah Kipp who has previously worked on Slapface, Draw Up and Stare, Broken Badges, Black Wake, and The Sadist. I have not heard of any of these films, but maybe some of you have. Patrick Ewald is a producer, while Brian Clarke and Ted Hentschke will executive produce. Abbey Smith will be a co-producer. The cast will be announced in the future.

    “There's a quiet, unnerving intensity to The Mortuary Assistant that creeps into the player, creating a sense that something terrible could happen at any moment,” said the film’s writer and director, Jeremiah Kipp. “Writing the adaptation, I wanted to celebrate all of the game that terrified me as well as create a companion piece to it — honoring the dense creepy world developer Brian Clarke (DarkStone Digital) made and translating it into the visual storytelling and character driven horror of narrative filmmaking.

    He continued, “I want to retain the minimalist setting in and around the mortuary, the fascination with the process of embalming, and the nerve shredding terror of the gameplay. Rebecca Owens is a fascinating character, vulnerable because of a traumatic past and committed in her self-reliance. It has been a truly crazy ride living in Brian's twisted world, and that's the experience we want to give the viewer.”​
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