Epic Games continues its trend of adding in new heroes every three weeks to Paragon, their action-MOBA. This week's offering is Wraith the "elusive ranged attacker." This hero will be released on June 27.
Wraith is a graduate of the special operations program Echelon, and was apprenticed to the only other graduate, Kallari. She specializes in assassination, while he specializes in surveillance. A recon specialist, Wraith uses high tech tools to gather intel on his targets and outmaneuver his enemies.

Just a little reminder that all Paragon heroes are free.
Wraith (Intellect, Order) is a graduate of the special operations program Echelon, and was apprenticed to the only other graduate, Kallari. She specializes in assassination while he specializes in surveillance. A recon specialist, Wraith uses high tech tools to gather intel on his targets and outmaneuver his enemies.

• Knock, Knock! (RMB/R1) - A long-range scoped shot that penetrates geometry. Killing an enemy hero or minion with this ability will refund the mana cost over a short time and reduce the cooldown.
• Who’s there? (Q/Square) - Wraith launches a sonar ward that pings its location to reveal nearby enemy Heroes. No line-of-sight restrictions.
• Back it up! (E/Circle) - Mark an enemy Hero to warp them back to where they were moments ago.
• Surprise, Surprise! (R/Triangle) - Wraith sends himself and nearby allies into the Shadow Plane and grants a movement speed boost.