The short answer seems to be "yes" to the question posed in the above headline. The longer answer seems to be "yes, but with some potential caveats."

Last night, No Man's Sky was released on the PlayStation 4 (PC release is on Friday). Players all over flocked to the game to explore the near countless number of worlds, never really expecting to run into another player. However, two streamers found that they were on the same planet! They made efforts to meet up with each other, as promised by numerous interviews by Hello Game's Sean Murray as being something that would be possible to do.

One player, TheGalacticCactus, wrote about his experience with being unable to meet up with the other streamer in a post on Reddit.
I warped for the first time today. The Star system I landed in was discovered by a user named Psytokat... so I messaged him asking him to meet me at a space station.
We are currently 4 systems away! We will meet at a space station.
He is streaming in twitch, username Psytokat.
Edit: My twitter is TheGalacticCact I'm shaking...
Edit: We are both in the same station but cannot see each other...
Update: We are 100% In the same station same spot and everything and we cannot see eachother.
Update 2: So we even found the same bade on a planet!! Me and him streamed his twitch name is Psytokat and mine is TheSadCactus. We will be streaming starting around 9-9:45 Eastern time tonight.

From the screenshot above and the story posted on Reddit, it seems as though both players were in the exact same spot but at different in-game times. It's entirely possible that worlds are "instanced" much in the same way MMOs instance content for players.

During a number of pre-release interviews, Sean Murray, stated time and time again that players would be able to run into each other, though the chances would be extremely slim of this happening. He even said in one interview that the only way to know what your character looked like would be to have another player describe your appearance to you. More recently, Murray was quick to remark that No Man's Sky "is not a multiplayer game," which goes against what he said repeatedly in other interviews.

YouTube user, CrowbCat, compiled a number of interviews with Sean Murray where he said that multiplayer would be in the game.

The question now is, was this all a lie for the past couple of years? Possibly. It could also be that it was a feature that was scrapped just prior to release. It's also possible that the game's servers were failing to sync players properly due to the stress of launch night. So far, no comment has been issued by any of No Man's Sky's official channels.