The Steam FPS Fest is Live


  • The Steam FPS Fest is Live

    Pew pew.
    Various first-person shooter games on sale at the Steam FPS Fest.

    Valve announced that a Steam FPS Fest would begin today and so help them, they actually did it. From today through to April 22 at 10AM PT, all things first-person shooter related are having their time in the spotlight on Steam.

    This Fest, like those that came before it, features a bunch of sales on first-person shooter titles. There are also some new, free demos for upcoming titles that you can also check out if you so desire.

    Looking at the current titles topping the first-person shooter popularity list, it looks like Fallout is on everyone's mind. Fallout 76 and Fallout 4 are leading the popularity charts right now, probably helped out a lot by the new Amazon Prime Video Fallout series.

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