How to Reduce the Number of Visitors Who Bounce Off Your Website


  • How to Reduce the Number of Visitors Who Bounce Off Your Website

    The term "bounce rate" is one of the numbers in a Google Analytics account that is prone to be misunderstood.

    Different websites may have different goals for their bounce rates. And it may take some investigation to determine why a bounce rate is high. However, examining and comprehending your site's bounce rate will help you identify which areas are doing well and which may need further improvement.

    This article will explain bounce rates, what you need to know about them, and what you can do to lower your site's bounce rate.

    What Does Bounce Rate Mean?

    The percentage of internet visits that end on a single page is referred to as the "bounce rate." A "single-page session" occurs when a user enters your website and then exits from the same page. For illustration, a visitor to your homepage may leave without visiting any other pages on your website.

    Where Can I Find The Bounce Rate For My Website?

    Finding your bounce rate is easy if you have Google Analytics set up for your website; if you don't, now is the perfect moment to do so. Log into your Analytics account to get started. The default Audience — Overview tab will show your bounce rate as follows:

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    This overview's bounce rate applies to the entire website. We must go to Behavior — Site-Content — All Pages to find out the bounce rate of a certain page.

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    This is how I know that readers actually read individual articles for an average of just over 4 minutes before clicking away.

    How Do You Define A Good Bounce Rate?

    If your bounce rate is larger than you anticipated, don't panic. Remember that a bounce rate of 0% indicates that every single visitor browses further on your website before leaving, a bounce rate of 50% indicates that 1 in 2 visitors are departing, and a bounce rate of 100% indicates that every visitor departs before viewing any further pages.

    Any bounce rate can be considered "good." If your bounce rate is 70% and you receive a lot of traffic, dropping it to 65% could result in a sizable boost in revenue.

    As a general guide:
    • A bounce rate of between 26-40% is considered to be remarkable.
    A "good" bounce rate is between 41 and 55 percent (roughly speaking), an "acceptable" bounce rate is between 56 and 70 percent, and anything beyond 70 percent requires attention.

    Keep in mind that this is only a general reference manual. There will be variations in averages among different sorts of websites. Similar to my own, news and blog websites can have substantially higher bounce rates because visitors frequently read one piece before moving on.

    Because users are perusing and evaluating various things on various pages, an eCommerce platform or digital catalog ought to naturally have a smaller bounce rate.

    The reason for my high bounce rate is.

    Numerous variables can contribute to higher bounce rates, including:
    • A webpage-only website. If your website only has one page, no one could possibly exit that page and visit another website while still being on yours.
    • Faulty analytics. Your conversion rate can be higher than intended if Google Analytics isn't effectively embedded in your website. You can follow a few of the steps Google has provided to make sure their free Analytics software has been installed properly.
    • Errors in the website's design. Your bounce rate could be decreased by making the changes shown below.
    • Ineffective calls to action or directions. The desired action is unlikely to occur if it is unclear what should come next or where a visitor should go.
    • Usage generally. Your bounce rate may be significant depending on how visitors use your website; if they frequently return and bookmark a particular page, such as a blog post, each visit is recorded by Analytics as a bounce.

    Identifying the Factors Influencing Your Bounce Rate

    Now that you have a basic understanding of bounce rates, let's look at various methods for learning useful information about our own bounce rates so that we can take steps to reduce them.

    1. Examine each page's bounce rates.

    View your website's various pages in your Analytics account. Keep in mind that going to Behavior — Site-Content — All Pages in Google Analytics will provide you access to this data. Consider starting a spreadsheet and entering the URL of any page with a high bounce rate that is valuable to your company if you prefer to stay organised. Only two or three of your twenty or more pages with high bounce rates may be effective at converting visitors. Deal with those initially.

    2. Examine the bounce rates for each type of traffic.

    Go to Acquisition — All Traffic — Source/Medium in Google Analytics.

    You can choose where to put more time and effort into by examining the bounce rates from various sources. The majority of my traffic in the aforementioned example is organic and comes from Google, yet the bounce rate is quite high, in contrast to the far lower bounce rates of Twitter and The Huffington Post referrals.

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    3. Conduct a regular review of page timings.

    Go to Behavior — Site Speed — Page Timings in Google Analytics.

    The patience of your visitors will be put to the test on pages with long loading times, which are frequently the main reason for high bounce rates. No matter the connection speed or the device, you want your website to load quickly. To learn how to increase page speed, go to the Speed Suggestions tab under the Site Speed menu

    Don’t forget, if you need a little extra assistance to find the right Website Design for your business, a good Web Design Company in Jaipur will be able to help.

    A Web Development Company in Jaipur like Techtaru Digital will not only be able to create a Seo-Friendly Website for you but also add lots of creativity to that.
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