Launched in English first.
The Sims 4 pronouns

One of the more progressive game franchises out there just got a bit more progressive. An update has rolled out to The Sims 4 that now allows you to customize the pronouns applied to characters within the game. This is a change from the previous system that defaulted set pronouns to characters based on chosen body types.

With today's update, players can now enter into the Create a Sim menu to choose from a couple of premade options such as They/Them. Beyond that you can instead choose to fully customize with separate options for subjective, objective, reflexive, possessive dependent, and possessive independent pronouns. You will be able to set these pronouns up while creating a new Sim or when editing an existing Sim.

If this sounds somewhat complicated to you, fret not. Maxis includes several example sentences within the game that will be displayed in the customization window.

This new system was designed with consultation from GLAAD and the It Gets Better Project. This is a nonprofit organization that Maxis first partnered with in 2019.

For now, these custom pronouns are available in English only. Maxis does plan on updating and expanding this feature over time. It's also to catch any potential issues that may arise in this first release.

The feature has been fully tested and works to change out instances of default pronouns to the custom ones you may have chosen, however there may be times where the feature doesn’t choose the correct form pronoun or it uses the default pronoun of the assigned gender. This is due to several factors such as the complexity of how the feature was implemented, as well as rules around conjugation in English. An example of something you might see is “They likes…”. In this situation, the correct grammatical structure should be “They like…,” The feature works by replacing the pronoun token itself rather than the pronoun and the following verb. In the future we’ll be working to make sure that the text is crafted in a way that reduces this type of issue, but we will work to fix instances of this when found in previously released content. If you notice anything that may be off, please let us know by posting a screenshot in this Answers HQ thread.
A video showing off this new feature can be found below. Just, you know, maybe don't read the YouTube comments. Really, don't read comments anywhere. In fact, just get off the Internet, it was clearly a mistake.