Best Horse Riding Games to Play in 2021


  • Best Horse Riding Games to Play in 2021

    There is something about horse riding that is very appealing, especially in modern video games that allow you to get a glimpse of how it is if your horse is your main source of transportation.

    Many games whether it is open-world games, single-player games or racing games include horses as the main part of the game and gives you an idea of what it's like to own this majestic creature.

    In today’s article, we are mainly interested in games that have horses as that play a very important part in the in-game process.

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    Red Dead Redemption 2
    Rockstar’s latest hit is still a very popular game and it includes horses as the main source of transportation. This is an open-world action-adventure game that you’ve definitely heard about and the most impressive part of the game is the mechanics and graphics.

    Rockstar is known for producing incredibly detailed games, but it seems like Red Dead Redemption 2 is their greatest hit. When it comes to horse riding, there isn’t any game that offers such mechanics and will catch the most realistic horse riding experience.

    Additionally, it is now only about riding your horse, but the overall process behind owning a horse. You can take it to a stable in order to upgrade some stats or get new gear that will help go even faster.

    The Witcher 3
    The Witcher 3 is a similar game to Red Dead Redemption in terms of play-style but it is placed in a different world. The Witcher 3 has won more game of the year awards than any other game in history, so this shows how good the game is.

    When it comes to horse riding and the famous horse named Roach, most people experienced a couple of bugs with Roach’s AI. However, since the developers cleared the bugs, horse riding in Witcher 3 became incredible.

    You can create a unique bond with your horse, upgrade its stats, and get new gear that will help you carry more items or run faster.

    Rival Stars Horse Racing
    If you love the excitement that comes with watching horse racing, especially if are informed about the Kentucky Derby contenders, you will love this game. This is a game that is all about horse racing and the entire process behind one race.

    As a player, you are able to breed the perfect champion horse, customize your character and change your gear. Once you get your character and horse ready, you can compete casually with AI or online against other players.

    The best thing about this game is the representation of growth. Once you start winning races, you’ll be able to show off your trophies and start to breed for more racehorses, even hiring caretakers while you focus on your next big race.

    Conan Exiles
    This is a survival game where horses are very important. If this is your first time hearing about the Conan franchise then you should probably know that you’ll enter a harsh world where your job is to find resources and horses play a crucial role in the process.

    The best thing about Conan Exiles is the process of finding a horse. However, finding a horse will not get the job done just because they act as pets until you equip them with a saddle.

    Once you can mount your horse, you can train your horse and gain XP as you complete in-game tasks. By gaining XP you can upgrade your horse’s stats and make it more combat-ready.

    Final Words
    These are some of the best horse riding games until now. All of the game developers for these games worked hard on developing unique mechanics that will allow you to fully enjoy the process of riding a horse and the importance of taking good care of these majestic creatures.
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