More Witcher for your on-the-go lifestyle.
Thronebreaker keyart

Joining The Witcher 3 on Switch today is Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales. This single player RPG brings together "unique puzzles and turn-based battles." You will learn about Meve, a "war-veteran queen of two Northern Realms - Lyria and Rivia." As Meve, you will have to tackle a little thing called war and embark on a "dark journey of destruction and revenge."

For those of you picking up Thronebreaker today on the Switch, you will get some digital bonuses. These bonuses include the official soundtrack, concept art, plus an annotated map of Lyria. There is a specially dedicated website set up that instructs you on how you can claim those items. You can pick up Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales via the eShop for $19.99 (USD).

If you don't own a Nintendo Switch, you can always just pick up Thronebreaker for the PC via places like or Steam. The game is also available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. All purchasing options can be found at the official Thronebreaker website.

The Switch version was ported by Crunching Koalas. They worked closely with CD Projekt RED so hopefully this ended up being a smooth port. Crunching Koalas has apparently worked on GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, Darkwood, This War of Mine, and more as part of their porting work.