In an article written for Neowin, the CEO and Founder of Stardock, Brad Wardell, claims that when DirectX 12 finally ships in late 2015, it will result in a "doubling of performance" across identical hardware.
The results are spectacular. Not just in theory but in practice (full disclosure: I am involved with the Star Swarm demo which makes use of this kind of technology.) While each generation of video card struggles to gain substantial performance over the previous generation, here, the same hardware will suddenly see a doubling of performance.

XBox One is the biggest beneficiary; it effectively gives every Xbox One owner a new GPU that is twice as fast as the old one.

While the benefits of moving to DirectX 12 will surely be impressive, to claim that it will result in a GPU performance bump of 100% seems a bit outrageous. That is unless the current implementation of the Xbox One API is worse off than anyone dared to imagine.