Steam Halloween Sale Begins October 26


  • Steam Halloween Sale Begins October 26

    Steam Scream is back and it's out for blood.
    Text: Steam Scream: The Revenge. October 26 - November 2 at 10AM PT. Image: An old man laying on a couch in a room full of spooky black tentacle arms.

    Valve just announced that their spooky-game focused Steam event is returning for 2023. Steam Scream: The Revenge will begin on October 26, and when it does you will get to experience discounts and demos on all things horror-related. This scare-tacular event runs from the 26th of October through to November 2nd.

    There are also already some special Points Shop items available to expand your ever growing profile customization options. Naturally, these items are all Halloween or horror themed to some degree. You probably won't get jump scared by any of these Points Shop items, but you just never know.

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