Battlefield 2042 Development Comes to an End


  • Battlefield 2042 Development Comes to an End

    Once Season 7 is done, that'll be it for 2042.
    A compilation of all seven season artworks for Battlefield 2042.

    DICE and EA are ready to bring Battlefield 2042 development to an end. Once Season 7 concludes, that will be it. There will be no more Seasons and no more new content. Seven seasons really isn't too bad considering the game was initially only supposed to have four seasons of post-launch content.

    Season 7, which launched a month back, will be the end. Like, for real this time. The start of Season 7 already added a new map, new weapons, and a new gadget. The revamped Stadium location from Hourglass will be coming later in the season. There will also be two themed events, a new weapon, and a new vehicle still to come before the season comes to an end.

    The end of new Battlefield 2042 content means that DICE is now fully looking towards the future of the franchise.

    After Season 7 concludes, we will continue to support the game with new in-game challenges, events, modes, and of course, ongoing maintenance, but we are moving away from delivering official seasons.

    We know this news may be disappointing. However, as we looked at what the future of the series required, it became clear it was time for us to shift our resources and focus to be fully dedicated to what comes next.

    As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, we have an ambitious vision to embrace and unlock the vast potential of the series’ class-based squadplay and immersive, intense battles.​
    Byron Beede, general manager for Battlefield, says that Motive Studio will be making a team that will focus on Battlefield content. Motive Studio is known for the recent release of the Dead Space remake as well as Star Wars: Squadrons. Motive will be joining DICE, Criterion, and Ripple Effect in building out the future of the Battlefield universe "across connected multiplayer experiences and single-player."

    Motive was careful to note that they are still working on their Iron Man game. They note that the team has "made excellent progress this year" and has hit a major internal milestone.

    Battlefield 2042 has been an important chapter of the series we all know and love, and your feedback has been important in helping us build this game into something special while also assisting us in laying the foundation for the future. Battlefield is an experience that is defined by the passion of its community as much as its team-driven tactics and explosive battles, and I look forward to the day that we can tell you more about what’s coming next.
    Battlefield 2042 may have started out as a total shitshow, but it managed to claw its way to being a rather decent game. It's a game that my friends and I play on a weekly basis, sometimes a couple of times a week. Is it perfect now? Oh, god no. No, it's not. Is it at least fun and mostly bug free now? Yes, absolutely.

    With how long the next Battlefield has probably already been cooking for, there is a hope that whatever comes next for the franchise doesn't come out half-baked again.

    • AzaleaBC
      AzaleaBC commented
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      Funnily enough, I just uninstalled without starting yet again (I think for the fifth time now). Gonna try BF V seeing as it's much more popular online, and EA added the anticheat to it last week. Plus, it was actually fun.

      So long BF2042, I barely knew you. But I knew enough.
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