Steam Year in Review Shows You Just How Many Hours You Wasted in Starfield


  • Steam Year in Review Shows You Just How Many Hours You Wasted in Starfield

    Too many hours. That's how many.
    Image showing a bunch of game covers for video games played in 2023 on Steam.

    The 2023 Year in Review for Steam is now live! This little recap of your year of Steam gaming will show you your most played titles in 2023. It will show you how you stack up against the rest of the Steam userbase in terms of games played, achievements earned, and more. You can even go through on a month-by-month basis to see just when it was you played each game throughout the year.

    For instance, my Year in Review says that my top three games for the year were Destiny 2 (played throughout the entire year), Battlefield 2042 (played for 11 months out of the year), and Starfield (played mainly just in September). I somehow earned 847 achievements over the year, which is way more than I thought it would be.

    Valve also put together a little blog entry talking about the Year in Review feature for Steam. They also put together a professionally made trailer talking about the Steam Year in Review.

    We've put together some of the highlights from your time on Steam in 2023, and bundled it all up into one fun page of facts. Scroll through and find out what genres you spent the most time in, and how some of your stats compare to the Steam community as a whole.

    When you're done, you can keep it to yourself OR share it with your friends, either through Steam or links to social media (there's even an official hashtag: #SteamYearInReview). You can also set it to appear in your profile showcase. Interested in showing your 2022 Year in Review as well? You can toggle between the two years anytime, or head to the Points Shop to free up some space to share both at once.​
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