Support will be scaled back significantly going forward.
Screenshot of a card battle game

CD Projekt Red says that they are ending new content support for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game after 2023. Though new content may come to an end, the studio says that they plan to keep the game online for the foreseeable future.

New card releases and more eSports tournaments will continue through 2023 for Gwent. Once 2024 rolls around, the game will switch to a community-focused approach. Internally, this move is known as Project Gwentfinity. In speaking with IGN, CD Projekt Red says there will be only a small number of developers keeping Gwent running. The remaining team members are being transferred to other projects within the studio.

Part of Project Gwentfinity will be the addition of a season progression system. This will reward players that are creative in their deck building. There will also be a new balancing feature that will allow the community to vote for changes to balance. CD Projekt Red says that they will incorporate protections to prevent manipulation and also to prevent anything that would break the game if implemented.

In 2023, CD Projekt Red will release 72 different cards. These will be a part of three different expansions that will drop in April, July, and September 2023. There are also two eSports tournaments current planned. Monthly balance adjustments will be implemented throughout 2023 as usual. IGN notes that CD Projekt Red "looks to create a fully balanced pool of cards within this time and implement other features that contribute to Gwent's longevity."

"When it comes to Gwent and its community, I would like to say that this is not the end and that we have another great year (and more) ahead of us," CD Projekt Red senior communications manager Paweł Burza told IGN.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game entered into open beta back in May of 2017. The first closed beta for the game dates back much further to late 2016. In terms of site updates, Gwent came out at least one major TGN update ago and came out at a time I still made links bold for some reason.