The company also revealed some rather anemic sales figures.

The new Saints Row game had a hell of a rocky launch. It was panned by critics and fans alike for its myriad of bugs, performance issues, and repetitive gameplay. Sadly, while the gameplay part can't just be easily "fixed," the bugs and other issues can be addressed and that is precisely what Volition plans to do.

In late November, Volition says they will release a major update to the game that will tackle over 200 bugs as well as stability issues with the game. A solid release date for this update was not announced, but as it's planned for "late November," this update will arrive roughly three months since the game's release on August 23, 2022. For a lot of people, this may very well be a case of "too little, too late," especially as the update will arrive during a period when some of the biggest game launches of the year will be happening.

Volition notes that the November update will be "the beginning of a series of quality of life changes and new features for the core game." Part of this update will actually reduce the repetition for many of the activities. It will also make challenges more rewarding, improve vehicle management, revamp the rumble and haptic feedback, and more.

Saints Row DLC pack

To "calm the waters" a bit, Volition will offer up some free cosmetics to players. The first one, Front to Back Pack, will be free to everyone that owns the game. Volition says this will be the first of a series of cosmetic packs that will come out. More free packs will be out later this year for everyone, plus a few more for those with the Expansion Pass (which itself will be available to buy separately later this month).

In 2023, Volition says they will release new story content for Saints Row. It will be part of the Expansion Pass or sold separately. There will also be some "free new gameplay experiences and areas of the city to explore." These updates will be in addition to more quality of life updates, more free packs, and other things Volition says they are "not quite ready to talk about yet."

Sadly, it's not all sunshine and rainbows here for Saints Row and Volition. The team says that there have been "more than one million players" of the game since launch. Again, launch was on August 23, 2022. This also isn't saying that the game sold 1 million copies either. To compare, Saints Row 4 reportedly sold 1 million copies in its first week.