Heavy update? Is it the Heavy update? Probably not. But what if?
A bald, heavy man looks alarmed. There is a sandwich being held in his hand.

A major update is being put together for Team Fortress 2 that Valve expects to deliver to players at some point this coming summer. This update will add in new items, new maps, taunts, content from select few from the Steam Workshop, and more.

The announcement for this update came via the Team Fortress 2 website via something Valve calls a "blog" or "blog-post." In today's posting, Valve says that they are "planning on shipping a full-on update-sized update." They then go on to request content from content creators that have already submitted content to the Steam Workshop or plan to do so.

Steam Workshop Creators, can we have your attention please. The following message is so urgent, so time-sensitive, we made the executive decision to skip TikTok and Twitter entirely and break the glass on the most bleeding-edge communication technology available.

Welcome to the future. Welcome… to a "blog-post".

"Wow!" you're probably thinking. "I forgot how hard reading is!" Yeah, it's scary how fast you lose that. Don't worry, we'll be brief:

The last few Team Fortress summer events have only been item updates. But this year, we're planning on shipping a full-on update-sized update — with items, maps, taunts, unusual effects, war paints and who knows what else?! Which means we need Steam Workshop content! YOUR Steam Workshop content!

So get to work! (Or back to work, if you were already working but got distracted when the entire internet simultaneously found out about this state-of-the-art blog-post.) Make sure to get your submissions into the Steam Workshop by May 1st, so they can be considered for this as-yet-unnamed, un-themed, but still very exciting summer-situated (but not summer-themed) (unless you wanted to develop summer-themed stuff) update.​
The thing that really gives us pause here is that it's not entirely clear if anything actually created by Valve themselves will be included in this update. It just isn't clear given that this blog post is calling out to content creators to submit their work. Outside of some fixes, Valve hasn't really released any new first-party Team Fortress 2 content in a very long time.

In fact, many of the updates released over the past several years only included community created content, if they included anything new at all. I believe the last major content update that included something substantial created by Valve was the October 2017 "Jungle Inferno" update. Of the six new maps that were added in that update, only one of them was made in-house at Valve.

For content creators hoping to be a part of this summer update, you have until May 1st to get your work submitted to the Workshop.