Mass Effect? Dead Space? The possibilities are limitless.
Dead Space 2 eye

As part of their latest earnings call, EA states that it is already planning to release some "exciting remasters of fan favorites" in the coming year or two. Though the company did not specify what these "fan favorites" might be, it's already gotten the rumor mills working in full force.

The obvious choices that fans seem to be clamoring for include a remaster of the Mass Effect Trilogy. Others are keeping their fingers crossed for remasters of the Dead Space games. Well, at least the first two Dead Space games, of course. Can you just imagine the intense, vivid detail you would see in the eye sequence from Dead Space 2 if it was presented in 4K, 120fps, vastly improved textures, HD audio, and other ultra HD upgrades? If you weren't thinking of it before, you are now!

These remasters are slated to launch before the end of EA's next fiscal year, which comes around in March 2021. By 2021, the PlayStation 5 will be in hands of countless consumers. If EA is going forward with these remasters, they have the potential to be incredible if they decide to target PlayStation 5 hardware. However, given the install base of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, I wouldn't be terrible surprised if those were still the target platforms for these remasters.

EA also provided some additional details for the 2021 fiscal year. They plant to add "at least one more sports title" to their annual offerings. They will launch Medal of Honor VR. The release of at least one known remaster, Command and Conquer, will be released. EA says that they also have "two new unannounced EA Partners titles coming from third-party developers."

At present, it does not look like the new Dragon Age game will be out by the end of fiscal year 2021.