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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • #76
    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    Originally posted by LoganX people are so selfish and naive.
    Squadhopping was an unintended side effect of the squad function.
    It was never intended to work that way.
    Now they're fixing it.
    Boo Hoo...find some actual skills within the game instead of exploiting a game menu.
    Prove it. Tell us where you got the information from!

    I think all this is BS and they'll be sorry they posted lies after we find out all this sill crap is nonsense.


    • #77
      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

      Originally posted by BravoTwoZeroUK
      Wish people would stop saying "go play something else" really gets boring now.So you say about keeping the squad leader alive, well if you and your squad have just made a long journey on foot to the next flag when some n00b in an APC just sitting there and kills your squad leader and no-one can get to him.
      Why shouldnt someone change to squad leader to keep the squad going just because some lone wolf n00b in apc sat there while your squad ran all that way to get there.
      I usually don't like other's saying "go play this game". I only mentioned it here because the BF series isn't about non stop action every second of the game. I have played all 3 games (some more than others) and all of them offer a mix of intensity. But if you want non-stop action, this isn't the game for you.

      I agree that it would suck if you traveled that distance to be taken out by an APC. But shouldn't your squad be "stronger" than some lone wolf APC, especially if he is guarding the base? That's part of the benefit by being in a squad.


      • #78
        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        Originally posted by Auto-ER-
        Just calling to attention that in the command screen there is a squad command...

        "Squad, divide and form two squads"


        So you can now have two squads in a critical area. EA/DICE telling you they "never intended" for it to be used in this way is just PR crap to keep the whiners happy. I propose they never had "intent", but instead are waffling to the aforementioned vocal whiners.
        I'd still like one of the pro removal people to explain why in game the commander has the ability to tell a squad to form more squads, if they didn't intend on people swapping out squads and squad leaders. So they can call for two supply drops? Probably not.


        • #79
          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          Heh, dropping hummers sounds like a riot. It'll be just like the current game commanders play, "kill player X with a supply crate", only easier.

          No doubt getting hit by a dropped hummer won't count as a TK, and everyone will whine as the commanders grief with it. :P

          I must admit, dropping a nice big vehicle on a random lone sniper could be pretty entertaining though...


          • #80
            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            Originally posted by Scarz
            Personaly, I'm all for getting rid of exploits of any kind. And yes, squad hopping is an exploit.

            This is NOT to say that I dont use it... I'm not going to be a hypocrite here, and say that I dont use exploits because I'm morally opposed to them or anything like that because I do. You have to to stay competetive.

            But I certainly wouldn't shead any tears if it went away.
            Of course you wouldn't shed any tears, I bet you dont even squad up. I would even go so far as to say you are the type of player that starts a squad, immediately locks it and does not let any one else join it.

            It is a feature of the game that was built in by the developers for a reason. You can decide to use it any way you want to. If someone find a way to use it more efficiently than you, people seem to **** their pants in protest because they cannot find 2-3 friends to squad up with. That is just weak. Where have you ever seen any game company make such stupid changes to a great game becasue some of the gamers are too inept to learn the game as it is? People that constantly cry exploit are the ones that really should be sticking to the button mashing madness of console games. PC gaming is a different thing all together. At least it used to be.

            Originally posted by cwv_Odedge
            I usually don't like other's saying "go play this game". I only mentioned it here because the BF series isn't about non stop action every second of the game. I have played all 3 games (some more than others) and all of them offer a mix of intensity. But if you want non-stop action, this isn't the game for you.

            I agree that it would suck if you traveled that distance to be taken out by an APC. But shouldn't your squad be "stronger" than some lone wolf APC, especially if he is guarding the base? That's part of the benefit by being in a squad.
            Same here. What I dont like is people telling me "how to play this game" that I pay for a server to play it on. Do you understand what I am saying? This game having 64 players in a server is exactly what you are saying it is not to be used for. This game is for non-stop action. Why in teh F*ck else would there be 64 players in a server? I think you are confusing FPS (First Person Shooters) with MMORPG (Turn based nerd warfare). Your point has been obliterated...


            • #81
              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              Originally posted by Revoluti0n
              It is a feature of the game that was built in by the developers for a reason.
              I'm sorry, but you're flat out wrong here.

              Dice posted that squad hopping was an artifact of the system. The result of oversight and that hopping/cycling was never intended. I'm not feeling greatly motivated to dig up the post, ATM, but trust me they stated it flat out.

              If you want to argue in favor of hoppin/cyclin go for it. Just don't be under any delusions that it was an intended feature.


              • #82
                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                squad hopping will help a team lose faster when they lose their control points...


                • #83
                  Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Squad hopping isn't exploiting, it's emergent gameplay. And I think servers should be able to use it if they want.


                  • #84
                    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    Originally posted by turdferguson
                    Squad hopping isn't exploiting, it's emergent gameplay.
                    The difference is only semantic.
                    And I think servers should be able to use it if they want.
                    And they should be able to choose not to, too.

                    I'm of the opinion that the best way to settle this debate once and for all would be to make it a server option just like FF on mines/clays. That should make everyone happy (yeah right!).


                    • #85
                      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      taking out squad hopping will kill this game


                      • #86
                        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                        Originally posted by LoganX
                        People will compete no matter how the game is implemented.
                        IMO it's the comp people who are crying because now they have to adjust their playstyle.

                        All of the people who don't use these types of lame exploitive tactics can go along playing they same way we have been. We don't have to change our style of play to accommodate the removal of squad hopping.

                        Didn't think of it that way did you?

                        I've been adjusting my playstyle since the game came out because of people complaining. I'm tired of being the one that has to adapt to the changes because a precious few decide they don't want to adapt to the way the game is already played.

                        Tell ya what pumpkin, YOU ADAPT TO OUR STYLE OR SHUT THE HELL UP.


                        • #87
                          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          lol,dropping humvees,

                          "Hey whats that in the sky",I dont know,Ohh **** its a humvee!


                          • #88
                            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            Originally posted by dontlookback
                            taking out squad hopping will kill this game
                            No, it will not.

                            Beyond the obvious fact that the majority of people don't squad hop and that anyone who quits because they can't adapt to a legit mechanics change is definatly not l33t, do you have a single fact or logical observation to back your statment up?

                            Or is it just because you said so?

                            Originally posted by Sadistic_1
                            I've been adjusting my playstyle since the game came out because of people complaining. I'm tired of being the one that has to adapt to the changes because a precious few decide they don't want to adapt to the way the game is already played.
                            Wrong. It's not the minority. It's the vast majority that this impacts. Most people don't squad hop. They also don't post on forums or play in tournies. They are casual gamers who just wanna have an honest round without getting ground to a pulp by squadhopping clanner types.
                            Tell ya what pumpkin, YOU ADAPT TO OUR STYLE OR SHUT THE HELL UP.
                            Let's try to keep the e-peepee inspired retardo posts to a minimum, shall we?

                            Whine about whiners and threaten to quit if Dice makes a mechanics change. Yup, you must be hardcore!

                            Back up your case if you want to make a point.
                            Touching your e-**** in public doesn't make you right.


                            • #89
                              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              Originally posted by Wargimp
                              Let's try to keep the e-peepee inspired retardo posts to a minimum, shall we?

                              Whine about whiners and threaten to quit if Dice makes a mechanics change. Yup, you must be hardcore!

                              Back up your case if you want to make a point.
                              Touching your e-**** in public doesn't make you right.
                              Ok grow up Gimp.

                              For one I am not in a clan, but I sure do use the opportunity to change squads when needed and I am a casual gamer, so that throws that theory out the window.

                              Please tell me where I ever said I would quit. On the contrary, I've always adapted to what they've changed. Problem being, there are plenty of things to fix, but because there are a vocal group that continues to complain about aspects of the game they either refuse to utilize or are unable to utilize, my game and the rest of the BF2 community's games has to change to their every whim and the real problems (red tag, blue tag, disappearing AT rockets etc etc) are still in the game.

                              I don't have to make any points. All the points in the world have already been made in this thread and many like it.

                              Originally Posted by Auto-ER-
                              Just calling to attention that in the command screen there is a squad command...

                              "Squad, divide and form two squads"


                              So you can now have two squads in a critical area. EA/DICE telling you they "never intended" for it to be used in this way is just PR crap to keep the whiners happy. I propose they never had "intent", but instead are waffling to the aforementioned vocal whiners.
                              Nobody has answered this yet. Care to take on that challenge?



                              • #90
                                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                                Originally posted by Sadistic_1
                                Ok grow up Gimp.
                                I'm not the one crying about how I'll quit if they make a change in the mechanics. I'm also not crying about the current state of things.

                                I'm interested in the debate and do feel that the game play of BF2 would be strengthened by removing hopping/cycling.
                                For one I am not in a clan, but I sure do use the opportunity to change squads when needed and I am a casual gamer, so that throws that theory out the window.
                                No it doesn't. I see/hear complaints about it perty frequently and mostly from casual types. This isn't to say that some clanners wouldn't also like to see the purposed fix. Even CAL has a suprising number of members saying they'd be happy to see hoppin go away.
                                Please tell me where I ever said I would quit. On the contrary, I've always adapted to what they've changed. Problem being, there are plenty of things to fix, but because there are a vocal group that continues to complain about aspects of the game they either refuse to utilize or are unable to utilize, my game and the rest of the BF2 community's games has to change to their every whim and the real problems (red tag, blue tag, disappearing AT rockets etc etc) are still in the game.
                                That's the flavor I got from your posts. Saying that the game is being wreaked by whiners 'n such. Obviously, if the game is wrecked, you'd stop playing, wouldn't you?

                                The group in question isn't even very vocal. We see a few spoty threads about it, but nothing like the "I hate planes/armour/claymores" threads we see. Certainly not even close to the anti-noobtoob and C4 lobbing threads. If Dice makes this change, I suspect it has more to do with them wanting to get the game back to what they invisioned. As a designer who's done lots of mod and some proffesional work, I can fully understand this. I've made unpopular design calls that made my community cry for awhile, only to have them eventually understand that the implementation really did help things out over all.

                                As for fixing the teamtag bug, it's an unrelated issue and they've got some good heads workin on it this time around, by all reports. With luck we'll see it go away once and for all.

                                That doesn't mean they can't do more refinements while they're at it.
                                I don't have to make any points. All the points in the world have already been made in this thread and many like it.

