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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

    Yes, there's a thread about this already, but it's generating suprisingly little converstation consitering it's a perty contravertial issue.
    I'm thinking it's likely because the thread's title kinda sucks:

    So here's one with a better title and hopefully some better discussion.

    Here's the original source:
    Here is a few things about the 1.3 patch...

    1. no real important gun changes at all
    2. no new maps
    3. few maps tweaks but nothing to get happy over
    4. prone spamming still there
    5. commander can now drop humvees

    LAST BUT NOT LEAST... no more squad hopping (once your dead you cant join/leave/create a squad)

    You can still spawn off the squad leader if he is alive and u was in the squad when you died...

    Basicly no cycling/hopping, the squad leader will have to stay back and be a spawn point only...
    First things first... can anyone verify this? It sounds a little dodgy to me. Hummer droppin is a perty big change and I'd be very suprised to see it implemented at this point. More information should be dug up about this before anyone (for or against the supposed changes) should get too worked up.

    That said, I'm also quite suprised to see that after the intital shock, lots of CAL posters are in favor of closing off squadhopping. There's still more "WTFOMGNOOBSLOLFAGS" type posts going on over there, but the number of people thinking it would be good for comp took me by suprise.

    Discuss, gripe, inform.
    Go for it.

  • #2
    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    Oh yeah....
    I hope this is no hoax... can't wait to get the "no squadhopping" thing confirmed. And will it be optional?


    • #3
      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

      I hope its not true, I like doing it.
      "Crunch's First Officer"
      twitter: @signaprime


      • #4
        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        i like squad hopping. i think that it really is a good feature to have and help ppl play in functional, cooperative squads


        • #5
          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          Wait, the commander can serioulsy drop humvees? I thought that was a joke.


          • #6
            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            Originally posted by exhilator
            Wait, the commander can serioulsy drop humvees? I thought that was a joke.
            It's uncomfirmed. That's part of the reason for this thread... to see if anyone can quote a more reliable source.


            • #7
              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              To me all these sources seem a little bit flimsy, I would much rather trust ign, EA, or any other well known sources, not some forum that I have never been to and have to proof to show their accountability.


              • #8
                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                I think that the reason that little or no controversy has been generated is because no one is really surprised at the radical changes made to date. I would even dare to say that some people just dont care anymore. They will be moving onto new games in the coming months. With so many mods on the horizon, BF2 may end up fading. :dead:

                I love the idea and spirit of BF2. The ability to have armor, jets, helos, infantry, artillery it is one of the absolute greatest concepts in all gaming history to date. It is a shame that the game has been restricted in so many ways in order to please so few people. This game started as something that definitely required some skill to play. With so many things going on at once, it is not for everyone, the learning curve was definitely steep. Unfortunately it has been turned into another run and gun video game with virtually no learning curve. Maybe someday someone will come along with a better formula and not compromise their vision of a game to suit everyone from 8-88 years of age.:thatsbad:

                Too many complaints about this exploit and that exploit and not enough attention paid to the real nature of the game. When a developer begins to make sweeping changes to the game you in order to resolve ethical issues that are more easily resolved by the individual gamer then you know the ship is sinking fast. I am all for fair and balanced game play, but then again why are you going to make the entire community pay for something that only a few are doing? WHy not select another server, find a reputable gaming community. No one is forcing the players that cry exploit every 2 seconds to stay on a server. Why not rent your own server and run it like a USMC boot camp if that makes you happy. I did not want to enjoy the game less because someone cannot learn to fly or because someone cannot resist the urge to spawn into a place with2 enemy tanks are waiting for them...:shakehead

                I've never seen any video game company do this before, and over all it's just shocking in some ways. Usually if a game is too hard or too complicated the company says..."learn to play it or find another videogame". Not here. This is the complete opposite. Oh the game is too hard? Ok, lets change the helos and the player movements and the physics and everything else so everyone can play it whether they are experienced or just starting out. Personally, I enjoy learning a difficult game and getting better at it. :wall:

                Go ahead and flame away....I really dont care.:box:


                • #9
                  Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Squad hopping is one way in which a small group of people can pick up the slack for an otherwise bad team on a public server.

                  The change is going to hurt the small squads (2-3 people) the most. Lone wolves won't care and the big squads will be mostly untouched.

                  I agree with the adjustment philosophically, but I don't think that the rest of the game's teamplay mechanics are strong enough to make up for such a late, drastic change.


                  • #10
                    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    Originally posted by ||bfa||variable
                    Squad hopping is one way in which a small group of people can pick up the slack for an otherwise bad team on a public server.
                    100% agree that that is sometimes the result of squad jumping, with that being said though i actually welcome the change if its true, it does make it harder to build up cohesive teamwork when the squad changes every few seconds. I prefer it when you people learn the squads style of play and adapt to it, it makes you much more effective then just being a spawn point and is so much easier to keep track of what classes are in your squad.

                    Personally i generally lock the squad if it happens too much as it gets a bit annoying when people just use it to spawn at the runway or helipad to save time and immediatly quit out again.

                    I am amazed that competative tournaments alow squad jumping at all TBH as wether you like it or not its clearly not its intended purpose and therefore technically exploiting a game mechanic.

                    just to sum up, as long as there is NO restriction on switching while you are ALIVE i support the change. and cant see it impacting gameplay a great deal (except rape island as the USMC have a hard time as it is, but meh )


                    • #11
                      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      I personally apresiate how BF2's game play is evolotionary and does change as things progress. Every time a patch has come out, the game play has gotten stronger (er, with notable "DOH" type expections).

                      I don't see a problem with a game that grows and evolves with the community. It keeps things a bit more fresh.

                      I also don't think BF2 is going to be fading into the sunset any time soon. The player base is still growing, EA is still turning a profit, and if this site is any indecation at all the community is actually perty damned healthy.

                      As to Dice responding to "the whiny minority of noobs", this is just wrong. First off, the noobs/casual players are and always will be the majority. They just don't seem like the majority because they are WAY less likely to post on a forum... ever.
                      besides, I believe that the changes we've seen have less to do with responding to those crys than they do with working towards what Dice had originally envisioned for BF2's game play.

                      Anyway, the argument could be rendered moot perty dang fast. We all know that even publicly announced patch features have a habbit of vanishing before release and we don't even have a very solid source here yet. Discussion on the subject should still be consitered achademic/mental-wacking at this point.


                      • #12
                        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                        I would also like to add my support for the term "mental-wacking" :laugh:


                        • #13
                          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          I don't mind the squad hop too much since a lot of times on say...Wake Island.. the US team can't break onto land and just gets raped by waiting tanks and FAVs on the way in.

                          As for Hummers dropping? Sounds kinda cool but who the hell asked for that? There's still the RED TAG BUG!!!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            Originally posted by BryanG
                            I don't mind the squad hop too much since a lot of times on say...Wake Island.. the US team can't break onto land and just gets raped by waiting tanks and FAVs on the way in.
                            Good commanders can help with this, but rarely do. Shelling those FAVs puts 'em down quick. I've had more luck lately doing high altitude BH drops to land grunts too. Technicly, if you can land one guy, you should still be able to land a squad... players will just have to be smarter about it.

                            As for Hummers dropping? Sounds kinda cool but who the hell asked for that? There's still the RED TAG BUG!!!!!
                            This is a side issue. Apparently they've handed patch control over to someone who's a little more code savie this time around. I can't recall where I read that, ATM, but it sounded like Dice is just as sick of the teamtag bug (and a couple others) as everyone else.

                            Don't assume that because they've stuck a fancy little paper umbrella in your drink that the glass is empty.


                            • #15
                              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              Originally posted by ||bfa||variable
                              The change is going to hurt the small squads (2-3 people) the most. Lone wolves won't care and the big squads will be mostly untouched.
                              I don't think so, if the squadleader sucks in your 6 man team it's worse than having a good leader in a 3 man team. The difference is, being a squadleader will actually have a meaning then.

                              Originally posted by ||bfa||variable
                              I agree with the adjustment philosophically, but I don't think that the rest of the game's teamplay mechanics are strong enough to make up for such a late, drastic change.
                              Some mechanics built into the game for teamplay (the command system) are actually hurt by squadhopping. The squad's orders get deleted each time the squadleader leaves.

