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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

    Originally posted by MrBrown
    LOL the last time I said "I know something and you will NEVER find out" was back in the Kindergarten. It was fun because even if the people found out you could just state "No you haven't!!! And I won't tell you!!!"
    I'm not saying anything. "They are still working on the patch"


    • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

      Terroser, I'm fairly sure that other posters are just as sick of your nonsense as I am. Cool it or you'll find yourself looking for someplace else to post for awhile.


      • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        Originally posted by Wargimp
        It's uncomfirmed. That's part of the reason for this thread... to see if anyone can quote a more reliable source.

        Not anymore, look on the offcial BF2 website. Its official that you can now drop hummers!

        But i think it will be FAV or somat like that!


        • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

          Originally posted by Wargimp
          Terroser, I'm fairly sure that other posters are just as sick of your nonsense as I am. Cool it or you'll find yourself looking for someplace else to post for awhile.
          then don't ask me!!
          think for yourself


          • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

            ^^^What a tool


            • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

              really terrorhoser, you're not helping the value of this thread.


              • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                Originally posted by Revoluti0n
                I think that the reason that little or no controversy has been generated is because no one is really surprised at the radical changes made to date. I would even dare to say that some people just dont care anymore. They will be moving onto new games in the coming months. With so many mods on the horizon, BF2 may end up fading. :dead:

                I love the idea and spirit of BF2. The ability to have armor, jets, helos, infantry, artillery it is one of the absolute greatest concepts in all gaming history to date. It is a shame that the game has been restricted in so many ways in order to please so few people. This game started as something that definitely required some skill to play. With so many things going on at once, it is not for everyone, the learning curve was definitely steep. Unfortunately it has been turned into another run and gun video game with virtually no learning curve. Maybe someday someone will come along with a better formula and not compromise their vision of a game to suit everyone from 8-88 years of age.:thatsbad:

                Too many complaints about this exploit and that exploit and not enough attention paid to the real nature of the game. When a developer begins to make sweeping changes to the game you in order to resolve ethical issues that are more easily resolved by the individual gamer then you know the ship is sinking fast. I am all for fair and balanced game play, but then again why are you going to make the entire community pay for something that only a few are doing? WHy not select another server, find a reputable gaming community. No one is forcing the players that cry exploit every 2 seconds to stay on a server. Why not rent your own server and run it like a USMC boot camp if that makes you happy. I did not want to enjoy the game less because someone cannot learn to fly or because someone cannot resist the urge to spawn into a place with2 enemy tanks are waiting for them...:shakehead

                I've never seen any video game company do this before, and over all it's just shocking in some ways. Usually if a game is too hard or too complicated the company says..."learn to play it or find another videogame". Not here. This is the complete opposite. Oh the game is too hard? Ok, lets change the helos and the player movements and the physics and everything else so everyone can play it whether they are experienced or just starting out. Personally, I enjoy learning a difficult game and getting better at it. :wall:

                Go ahead and flame away....I really dont care.:box:
                I'm not going to flame you everyone has an opinion but in what way was a black hawk going round white-flagging all the caps good? Especially when it had 2 engineers and a medic inside from a stat whoring squad?

                Talking about the original game how was bunny hopping and d/diving good? What real skill did the 203 take? It was the easiest weapon in the game.

                I've recently come back to BF2 after getting sick of '2003' noobs and blackwhore flag cappers and I'm loving the changes. The upcoming changes sound great too.

                If I could ask for anything else it would be...
                - Stronger sniper rifles.
                - Increase view distance one-way from ground to aircraft.
                - Spawning on squad leader should still be allowed if the vehicle is full - just spawn beside it.


                • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

                  shame that ea says that their still working on it. not even a "near completion"
                  well actually, even near completion would tak 2 weeks to test


                  • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

                    I dont think dropping hummers or other light PC's is good idea ... they are just testing that for new BF game called BF2142 or something ... it would be better to fix existing bugs but ...


                    • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      Originally posted by RocKtheCasbaH
                      - Stronger sniper rifles.
                      imo, if the sniper rifles were stronger everyone would be sniper and it would less fun. i was talking about this tonight to someone after seeing that there was gonna be a special on the barret. the commercial mentioned it could kill up to 2 miles away. and if youve seen any pics of persons killed by snipers, you would know it is definitely 'one shot one kill.' the problem with incorporating a one hit kill is that everyone would run around as sniper. just my opinion though.


                      • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

                        An “Official” discussion of a rumor, now that funny!

                        Truly a practice of futility!


                        • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

                          :banana: you all sound gay


                          • Re: Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

                            Originally posted by truckstop
                            :banana: you all sound gay
                            Do NOT make posts like this.

