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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • #31
    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    You're pathetic and stop complaining about competetive stuff.

    Also dropping humvees is not really the end of the world...

    Get used to changes!


    • #32
      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

      Originally posted by Revoluti0n
      I think that the reason that little or no controversy has been generated is because no one is really surprised at the radical changes made to date. I would even dare to say that some people just dont care anymore. They will be moving onto new games in the coming months. With so many mods on the horizon, BF2 may end up fading. :dead:

      I love the idea and spirit of BF2. The ability to have armor, jets, helos, infantry, artillery it is one of the absolute greatest concepts in all gaming history to date. It is a shame that the game has been restricted in so many ways in order to please so few people. This game started as something that definitely required some skill to play. With so many things going on at once, it is not for everyone, the learning curve was definitely steep. Unfortunately it has been turned into another run and gun video game with virtually no learning curve. Maybe someday someone will come along with a better formula and not compromise their vision of a game to suit everyone from 8-88 years of age.:thatsbad:

      Too many complaints about this exploit and that exploit and not enough attention paid to the real nature of the game. When a developer begins to make sweeping changes to the game you in order to resolve ethical issues that are more easily resolved by the individual gamer then you know the ship is sinking fast. I am all for fair and balanced game play, but then again why are you going to make the entire community pay for something that only a few are doing? WHy not select another server, find a reputable gaming community. No one is forcing the players that cry exploit every 2 seconds to stay on a server. Why not rent your own server and run it like a USMC boot camp if that makes you happy. I did not want to enjoy the game less because someone cannot learn to fly or because someone cannot resist the urge to spawn into a place with2 enemy tanks are waiting for them...:shakehead

      I've never seen any video game company do this before, and over all it's just shocking in some ways. Usually if a game is too hard or too complicated the company says..."learn to play it or find another videogame". Not here. This is the complete opposite. Oh the game is too hard? Ok, lets change the helos and the player movements and the physics and everything else so everyone can play it whether they are experienced or just starting out. Personally, I enjoy learning a difficult game and getting better at it. :wall:

      Go ahead and flame away....I really dont care.:box:
      Gotta say I completely agree with you.


      • #33
        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        Omg wargimp and mrbrown again..

        stop freaking annoying me with your complainments against squadhopping.
        there where already 4 topic about it.


        • #34
          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          I think getting rid of squad hopping is a great idea. It doesn't take skill to...

          Die, open squad screen, leave squad, join squad, spawn, rinse and repeat.

          What takes skill for any one who actually plays together in a squad is to stick together and take care of your squad leader. But most people care only about themselves and thus won't be an asset to the squad.

          I have played in a "competitive" tournament and it was more about exploiting the game rather than playing. We spent so much time and effort worrying about squad hopping and cycling the SL that we weren't actually playing the game.

          The squad I play in on a regular basis (bunch of friends) plays together to wards the goal of winning the game for the team. We aren't selfish lone wolves that want to see our name in green text when we kill some one. Nor do we have the attention span of a gnat.

          If your so bored with the game play, go play UT2004 or Quake 3 for they offers a fast pace constant action game play. Or you can always just go hang around the hotel in city called Karkand.

          In most groups, there is one leader for many reasons. Why should BF 2 be any different?


          • #35
            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            To be honest when you have a good squad people tend not to squad hop.
            Only for making one guy in the squad the squad leader to keep the squad spawning.
            Majority of the time you join a squad and they're muppets so you have to look for new squads.


            • #36
              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              Originally posted by Terroser
              Omg wargimp and mrbrown again..

              stop freaking annoying me with your complainments against squadhopping.
              there where already 4 topic about it.
              Yes... here we go again... :banana:
              Did you notice that Wargimp didn't just open another thread because he was bored, but there are rumours that it WILL be removed actually in V1.3?

              If this is gonna be true it's no change for the pubbers, it's a clear statement that DICE actually cares about the gameplay in leagues, which is totally absurd right know because of the squadhopping tactics.


              • #37
                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                Originally posted by cwv_Odedge
                I think getting rid of squad hopping is a great idea. It doesn't take skill to...

                Die, open squad screen, leave squad, join squad, spawn, rinse and repeat.

                What takes skill for any one who actually plays together in a squad is to stick together and take care of your squad leader. But most people care only about themselves and thus won't be an asset to the squad.

                I have played in a "competitive" tournament and it was more about exploiting the game rather than playing. We spent so much time and effort worrying about squad hopping and cycling the SL that we weren't actually playing the game.

                The squad I play in on a regular basis (bunch of friends) plays together to wards the goal of winning the game for the team. We aren't selfish lone wolves that want to see our name in green text when we kill some one. Nor do we have the attention span of a gnat.

                If your so bored with the game play, go play UT2004 or Quake 3 for they offers a fast pace constant action game play. Or you can always just go hang around the hotel in city called Karkand.

                In most groups, there is one leader for many reasons. Why should BF 2 be any different?
                Wish people would stop saying "go play something else" really gets boring now.So you say about keeping the squad leader alive, well if you and your squad have just made a long journey on foot to the next flag when some n00b in an APC just sitting there and kills your squad leader and no-one can get to him.
                Why shouldnt someone change to squad leader to keep the squad going just because some lone wolf n00b in apc sat there while your squad ran all that way to get there.


                • #38
                  Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Originally posted by BravoTwoZeroUK
                  Wish people would stop saying "go play something else" really gets boring now.So you say about keeping the squad leader alive, well if you and your squad have just made a long journey on foot to the next flag when some n00b in an APC just sitting there and kills your squad leader and no-one can get to him.
                  Why shouldnt someone change to squad leader to keep the squad going just because some lone wolf n00b in apc sat there while your squad ran all that way to get there.
                  And also I hate people who say it doens't require skills....

                  teamwork is a part of your skills, if you can get your squad alive whole the time I call that skills and teamwork

                  ban the whiners

                  Originally posted by MrBrown
                  Yes... here we go again... :banana:
                  Did you notice that Wargimp didn't just open another thread because he was bored, but there are rumours that it WILL be removed actually in V1.3?

                  If this is gonna be true it's no change for the pubbers, it's a clear statement that DICE actually cares about the gameplay in leagues, which is totally absurd right know because of the squadhopping tactics.
                  omg. listen what you are saying. if they care about the gameplay in leagues
                  why would they scruw 66% of the people who are fine with it.

                  and this is just a public poll omg.


                  • #39
                    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    good clans will find a way to overcome the limitation in competition.

                    But for pubs, it's a horrible decision. What will happen? You'll see 1 squad working together, then the rest will be lone wolf. If someone does create a squad, they'll get tired of just hanging back, not getting points for being squad leader. Then they'll charge in and get killed. There squadmates will get ****ed. Why did you do that? I was bored.

                    What if you are attacking a base and can clearly see that your team won't take it. Finding another squad where the enemy isn't at is a good thing. But you have to be alive to leave/join. Then die again, and then spawn on another leader. By that time, their leader will be dead.

                    You'll have most of the people spending more time looking at the map, suiciding and not being able to spawn there again. Then doing it all over again.

                    I swear, EA has thier collective thumb so far up their ass, that you can open their mouth and take their thumbprint.


                    • #40
                      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      Originally posted by BigBadBob
                      What if you are attacking a base and can clearly see that your team won't take it. Finding another squad where the enemy isn't at is a good thing. But you have to be alive to leave/join. Then die again, and then spawn on another leader. By that time, their leader will be dead.
                      Well I don't think sending 8 squadleaders to the front to see where the defense is weak and spawn there with all men is a proper tactic, it's boring to me. IMHO the commander is supposed to find weak spots, and squads should MOVE - not teleport - to that position.

                      Originally posted by BigBadBob
                      You'll have most of the people spending more time looking at the map, suiciding and not being able to spawn there again. Then doing it all over again.
                      Ermm... yes... this will happen on the first day of the patch if this is all true.
                      But people will just adapt.
                      Perhaps someone will even use a boat then on Op.Cleansweep, you never know...


                      • #41
                        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                        Blah blah blah.

                        Simple solution. Take out the ability to spawn on a SL. Obviously the general public can't handle the way it is now, so take it right out of the game. Lets go back to BF1942 days and spawn on a flag.

                        If this is true, I can't beleive EA is going to cave to the same b*tch tactics again, especially when there is still some real problems in the game.


                        • #42
                          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          And return the waves. The waves were fun.


                          • #43
                            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            Originally posted by Terroser
                            Omg wargimp and mrbrown again..

                            stop freaking annoying me with your complainments against squadhopping.
                            there where already 4 topic about it.
                            True. If they can't adjust then there is always that crap Quake game.


                            • #44
                              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              I myself don't see no problem in it. I'm not sure about leauge games because I don't bother with clans and the like now.
                              If anything they should do away with all the Maverick wannabe's but that a different story:laugh:


                              • #45
                                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                                if you cant squad-hop anymore, that means the squad leader, has to be tucked quietly away from any action, and basically command, and follow behind.......where is the incentive? no little/action = little/no points = little/no squadleaders actually fulfilling the role......the commander gets the average of the teams score, perhaps squadleader should get average of squads score?

                                a major change to the gameplay after the game has been out how long? **shrugs** so what else is new?

                                there would be no complaint if it were always like that, so its silly to complain now

