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No Early Unlocking

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  • #61
    LOL!!! So much for those who were bitching about how valve WILL unlock it early.. now they're bitching about valve should go to hell... go cry me a river...

    I really cant imagin how people can not wait 2-3 more days after waiting for an extra year or so.


    • #62
      expect mass steam lag of hell on monday 11:59pm PST people refreshing steam closing relogging in closing, o god, flood fest from hell

      i can almost see lombardi with the LAUNCH button with the dual keys needed to be turned at the same time with the red phone saying "only in case of emergency" on monday night with swat all around


      • #63
        Curve wrote..

        gg? did they just end a round or something? do you even know what gg stands for? or no, wait that's just you being a typical online dipshit.
        Damn dude. Angry much? You haven't heard people use the phrase "gg <something"? Or perhaps "<something> FTW!!"? Maybe the good ol' "omgwtfbbq!!1!"?

        Saying "gg Best Buy" is the online equivalent of sarcasm. It's like saying "yeah, go best buy. they rock!" or something to that nature. I figured that you'd be able to figure it out, judging that this is a CS website and all and CS players usually can figure out all the hip lingo.

        And yes, gg can mean either

        - good game

        - good going

        Either of which works in this context.

        * ps, Best Buy still sucks.


        • #64
          BTW you guys do realise Vivendi Universal must've done SOMETHING right in order for a highly-regarded company like Blizzard Entertainment be happy working with them. Although this must've been a little disappointing for VALVe since it seems that they wouldn't mind activating their authorisation system early (judging from the people that are saying VALVe will consider authorising it early if the game's on shelves early). Still, we've waited a year, so what's a couple of days going to do (aside from destroy Steam and cause every ISP in the world to fix their customers' connections)?


          • #65
            so they dn't want all those money that will start flowing in a bit early?


            • #66
              hitman u seem to not realise the fact that doom 3 runs like shit, whilst half life 2 looks more realistic and runs like a dream, and its less than 48 hours left now so i dont mind waiting


              • #67
                G'Bariel - What does authorising and unlocking HL2 have to do with making money for Vivendi Universal and VALVe Software? The money is already on their way to the companies. And VALVe already gained a bit of money from those who pre-ordered HL2 and are currently playing CS: Source.

                HitmanCodename48 - The bink videos clearly show dynamic shadows in HL2/Source engine (check out Traptown for example). They're just not as advanced as Doom 3's. But with Steam, I have a feeling VALVe will upgrade the graphics capabilities of the Source engine if the mod authors haven't done so already since it's so flexible.


                • #68
                  Guys, it's only a computer game. You should not stay at home, waiting to play it and go to school instead, where you could actually learn something. ITS A GOD DAMN GAME!!!!!!!!!!!


                  • #69
                    Anger666 wrote..

                    hitman u seem to not realise the fact that doom 3 runs like shit, whilst half life 2 looks more realistic and runs like a dream, and its less than 48 hours left now so i dont mind waiting
                    bullshit. i get 70 fps average in doom3, which never drops below 40, while in source i get 55 fps average and it often drops to like 10. besides. i'm willing to trade performance for lighting that doesn't suck ballz. in real life, if you fire a gun, the guy you're shooting at gets a nice shadow behind him from the muzzle flash. this happens in doom 3, not in hl2. in hl2, it doesn't fucking matter where the lights are anyway. the shadow always goes the same way. just like in unreal 2. actually, half of the unreal engine 2 mods coded their own dynamic shadowing. that looks just as good as hl2's static. now tell me, why the hell couldn't valve pull their heads out of their asses and add dynamic shadowing? because that would have made too much sense!! gg gabe! he probably ate the guy coding the dynamic shadows.


                    • #70
                      Hitman how can you get 70fps average when the game is locked to 60...


                      • #71
                        DIE DIE DIE DIE

                        DAMN YOU VIVENDI!


                        • #72
                          abysmal wrote..

                          Hitman how can you get 70fps average when the game is locked to 60...
                          com_fixedtic -1

                          unlocks frame limit, so you can actually benchmark it


                          • #73
                            Oh dear god, a game that's been in the works for five years is going to be kept back for another TWO WHOLE DAYS! OH DEAR GOD WHAT WILL I DO!?!?

                            Seriously, this is barely news...


                            • #74
                              just read the 4 pages...and like hitman has been stating doom3 engine>>>>>>>>>>>
                              >>>>>>>> hl2's source.

                              id piss myself if valve unlocks it and the servers get pawned and no one can authenticate for days and therefore no one plays till the 20th or beyond:P


                              • #75
                                bullshit. i get 70 fps average in doom3, which never drops below 40, while in source i get 55 fps average and it often drops to like 10. besides. i'm willing to trade performance for lighting that doesn't suck ballz. in real life, if you fire a gun, the guy you're shooting at gets a nice shadow behind him from the muzzle flash. this happens in doom 3, not in hl2. in hl2, it doesn't fucking matter where the lights are anyway. the shadow always goes the same way. just like in unreal 2. actually, half of the unreal engine 2 mods coded their own dynamic shadowing. that looks just as good as hl2's static. now tell me, why the hell couldn't valve pull their heads out of their asses and add dynamic shadowing? because that would have made too much sense!! gg gabe! he probably ate the guy coding the dynamic shadows.
                                Yay for misinformed opinions...

                                Have you ever tried using the multisampling function for shadows in DooM 3? Do you have any idea how much processing power it costs?

                                They went the way they did for a reason. They did it because it looks good while not draining HUGE CPU resources for the more important things (like physics). If it were possible to make soft-shadows that react dynamically to every light source in the gameworld, they'd have done it by now. It just isn't feasible in a radiosity-based lighting engine. (Y'know.. it's the reason why Half-Life 2 isn't totally pitch-black like DooM 3.)

