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No Early Unlocking

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  • #91
    Edited by [user="36868"] @ [time="1100467429"]

    VuLLrath wrote..

    Question : Which is better?

    - Pentium 4 Processor 560 Supporting Hyper Threading Technology

    with 3.60 GHZ and 800 MHZ Front Side Bus 1MB L2 Cache 90nm Arch


    - AMD ?? i do not know much about amd. but i heard their better for gaming like aka half life 2, and doom3, also even farcry.

    I still have not decided on what to get either the intel p4 hyper threading or amd... some one with a/an amd background and experience with em could ya tell me whats so special about amd...

    i definitely do not recommend AMD to you because unless you know how to overclock them, they'll slow down and eventually they suck. (take it from me i have 2 p4 and 2 amd). now i do not know about the new 64 bit AMD's i havent seen those ones in action but i seriously recommend a P4 cuz they dont slow down and they are really reliable.
    Schmich wrote..

    isnt quake 4 going to be made on the doom 3 engine?
    yep but they said they may slightly (very slightly) change the engine a bit.
    HitmanCodename48 wrote..

    what do you mean it [HL2] "runs a lot better"? it's going to have higher res textures, more polygons, and more physics. how can it POSSIBLY run better?
    becuase its NOT ONLINE. (you dont need an i-net connnection)

    OFFLINE = MUCH LESS LAG (unless u got the comp they recommend)


    • #92
      Mr. T wrote..

      Damn, now we've got to wait two whole more days!
      Wow, you just made me more eager to play HL2!!! I never knew today was the 14!! OMG OMG OMG!!

      Too much CS = lost track of date


      • #93
        Do you people even know why Vivendi (and Valve) are doing a worldwide release date at the same time? It's to try and stop some people from posting the game early online and help curb some of the piracy occurring with huge anticipated game releases. Now, evidently that pisses some of you off but if it was YOUR game being released, you'd want people to actually buy it too, wouldn't you?

        If you don't want to take my word for this, go read this article here:

        It's all good, folks. Simmer down. Hell, It's Football season. Go watch a game or something.


        • #94
          Edited by [user="41447"] @ [time="1100470001"]

          If the game is released in stores to some people, can they not open up the .gcf and get all of the half-life 2 files? Even though they cannot play it, they have all of the files decrypted. So it should be much easier for them to create a crack even before the auth servers for half-life 2 are up


          • #95
            xlokix - I'm sure there are people doing that already, except it would be for the ones who didn't buy the game. It's impractical to rush developing a crack since people would be authorising their games by the time they release it. Besides, if you bought the game (like we all have, myself included), why risk your account being banned by breaking the rules in the license agreement? (Unless VALVe can't check for cracked games.)

            HitmanCodename48 - Ok so that's what you were referring to in terms of dynamic shadows. Well no need to worry, at least VALVe did spend some time on gameplay so like Doom 3, you got that going for you. And as I said earlier, if mod authors don't make it soon, then VALVe is probably going to upgrade it through Steam for everyone to enjoy.


            • #96
              Edited by [user="90352"] @ [time="1100474098"]

              ok just what i thought... amd is a rip off of intel and radeon is a rip off of nvidia... rofl its always best to stick with the people that first made computers for they have more experience and money to throw around on technology.

              didnt the government pass a law or something stating to intel and nvidia that they had to share their software/hardware to other companies so they have competition and not be a sole priotorship or some crap. so thus amd and radeon are rips? thought i read this somewhere on history of computers or something for a school project.

              either way rofls to those with amd and radeon for half life 2. no wonder u get 10 to 50 fps and others are getting 100 fps...

              ah well cant wait for xmas getting half life 2 cs source and a new comp consisting of the following. tell me if its good...

              -p4 hyper threading 3.60 ghz 800 mhz front side bus

              -asus motherboard 1024 mb ram

              -200 gig hard drives (2)

              -530 watt power supply to support geforce card and p4 hyper threads

              -geforce 6800 ultra extreme (benchmarked at 105 fps at max resolution in doom3!)

              -lcd 30 inch monitor with 100+ hertz refresh rate.

              -audigy sound card.

              cant wait for this comp ^_^ plus no more 0 like fps for me in steam based games and no more lag in doom3 and farcry. also, it will be much more pretty and kick ass to bring to lans then charting around my old hunk of junk. heh

              oh btw overclocking damages hardware and makes them slowdown, at least thats what and their forums will tell ya - this : "overclocking damages hardware and does little to increase performance at the cost of image quality. overall it is useless to overclock. plus you get artifacts that can damage either or all of the following - the monitor, motherboard, video card, and cpu, also sound card."

              sorry, but i never overclock, in my opinion making a comp run faster then its suspose to just to play a game or something otherwise - at the cost of rebuying a computer part - or a whole computer even - is just pointless. not to mention expensive.

              peace :P


              • #97


                • #98
                  Linux wrote..

                  Anyone wants to bitch, complain, flame, let someone @ VU know you hate their lameness? Well here you go is some info about it :-D

                  1 310 431 4000 (phone number)

         -- VU IP

         -- VUGAMES IP

                  Have fun :-D I hope I havn't reposted this on the comments, but w/e. Leave a msg and support Valve :-D. This is true Phone number, they are located if I am right in L.A. and you can get directions, anyone up for some eggage But yeah, they will have over xxxxx calls Monday when they come for the answering machine HAHA!!! They will be pwned by their phone bill. Well everyone cya around.
                  I have driven past it a number of times. They have a sign that faces the 405 just (past? or before LA?... can't remember atm).

                  Anyways... if you wanted to egg it you'd require a crapload of eggs because its well over 15 stories.

                  In closing:

                  Grow up.


                  • #99
           AMD and ATI are not ripoffs of Intel and nVidia, in fact, last generation ATI had a strong lead over nivdia in the video card market in terms of performance. And AMD STILL has the fastest processor out there. Also, AMD 64's are faster, or at least on par with Pentiums 4's when it comes to games. The only thing that Pentium is able to do marginally better is to encode movies and such. The FX 55 and AMD 64 4000+ kick the crap out of any Pentium on the market right now.

                    Don't believe me? Look here.

                    And here.


                    • wow


                      wow, csn comments' discussions are getting so profound, in many ways, with time


                      • KhAoS wrote..

               AMD and ATI are not ripoffs of Intel and nVidia, in fact, last generation ATI had a strong lead over nivdia in the video card market in terms of performance. And AMD STILL has the fastest processor out there. Also, AMD 64's are faster, or at least on par with Pentiums 4's when it comes to games. The only thing that Pentium is able to do marginally better is to encode movies and such. The FX 55 and AMD 64 4000+ kick the crap out of any Pentium on the market right now.
                        Agreed. My AMD 64 3200+ and Radeon 9800 Pro can run CS:Source at full detail at 1024*768 at 65 frames per second average. I'm glad I don't have a Geforce FX 5200 anymore.


                        • I've never seen so many people without lives. GO OUTSIDE PEOPLE!


                          • Mikemike 2.0 wrote..

                            i definitely do not recommend AMD to you because unless you know how to overclock them, they'll slow down and eventually they suck. (take it from me i have 2 p4 and 2 amd). now i do not know about the new 64 bit AMD's i havent seen those ones in action but i seriously recommend a P4 cuz they dont slow down and they are really reliable.

                            yep but they said they may slightly (very slightly) change the engine a bit.

                            becuase its NOT ONLINE. (you dont need an i-net connnection)

                            OFFLINE = MUCH LESS LAG (unless u got the comp they recommend)
                            you are an absolute idiot.

                            1) AMD 64 beats the living hell out of any Intel product on the market, and they're cheaper. Period.

                            2) Lag has nothing to do with being offline. Lag involves the time delay between you and the server. If you're offline, you are the server, so there is NO lag. That has little or nothing to do with the game's performance itself, at least not in this engine. And yes, HL2 will really run like shit if it only runs OK in CS:Source, because HL2 is way more detailed than CS:S.


                            • best buy is gonna get bitch slapped by Vivendi even tho u still cant play it till the 16th


                              • Eat My Ass Vivendi!

