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No Early Unlocking

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  • #31
    Edited by [user="96438"] @ [time="1100402060"]

    MikeJ wrote..

    at making dark indoor environments.
    no fuckin shit..i was gonna say the same thing..i mean i get it..its mars and hell has run amuck..but c'mon i cant see shit....TURN ON THE FUCKIN least a little bit..but fuck it..hl2 will be GLORIOUS

    Doom3 has very litle physics like hl2 will have (as we have seen in source), the controls are fucked up, i mean c'mon no fastswitch, and there is nothing really ground awsome water effects, or VEHICLES for god sakes..its not really anything special ..besides just making indoor textures look pretty...hl2 will raise the bar if the doom3 engine can do all of the same things that the source engine can do..then they sure didnt demonstrate that with doom3...



    • #32
      xlokix wrote..

      How about going to court because Valve wants to sell their own game with their own profit over steam? Somehow that's unjust for Vivendi.
      it's unjust for vivendi in their minds because valve is breaching its publishing contract with them by selling stuff over steam. vivendi sees the contract as saying that only they can sell anything related to HL, while valve sees it as vivendi being the only people being able to sell boxed stuff relating to HL. personally, i'll have to agree that Steam is a breach of the contract, as much as i don't like that fact.


      • #33
        kodt wrote..

        the reason i want it to be released now is b/c i have a big test tuesday and i know im gonna stay up till 3 am EST to play hl2 for like 15 min so it really sux cuz i should get more sleep
        Make sense plz.


        • #34
          Edited by [user="118208"] @ [time="1100402325"]

          Jocky wrote..

          no fuckin shit..i was gonna say the same thing..i mean i get it..its mars and hell has run amuck..but c'mon i cant see shit....TURN ON THE FUCKIN least a little bit..but fuck it..hl2 will be GLORIOUS
          r_lightScale 5 dramatically lightens the game up. it's usually set to 2.

          btw, the darkness is because the D3 art mappers purposely made it dark, you know, to give it that kind of "i can't see shit so things jumping out will be more likely to kill me" kind of thing. you know, kind of like how in HL1 the vents and xen were dark. nub. no, doom3 didn't demonstrate the power of the engine. but then again, you don't really need vehicles in a game designed to be an indoors corridor-crawl. i bet you played the original doom and said "omfg this is awesome." doom3 is supposed to be like the original doom, which means no vehicles. show me dynamic self shadowing (or dynamic shadowing at all for that matter) in hl2, and i'll give you a dollar. hl2 uses static shadows. personally, i don't see anything in hl2 that you couldn't do with a licenced copy of the Unreal 2 engine. Unreal 2 for mods can do everything but the physics part. get a licence, buy Havok, add it to the game code, and viola, instant HL2 engine!!

          HL2 plot & gameplay > D3. D3 engine > source. please stop the fanboy madness.



          • #35
            Cutedge wrote..

            gg Best Buy. Proving you don't know anything about retail as usual.
            gg? did they just end a round or something? do you even know what gg stands for? or no, wait that's just you being a typical online dipshit.


            • #36
              I thought I bought CS:S over steam so I could play it before anyone else...


              • #37
                your crystal ball is only half right, valve did a good job of making VU look evil.


                • #38
                  well VU was already like the world's shittiest publisher anyway. why couldn't valve go with activision? hell, even their name sounds cooler. vivendi? wtf is that shit about?


                  • #39
                    UH OH I think #34 works at a best buy haha


                    • #40
                      vivendi? wtf is that shit about?
                      yea, im not even sure how to pronounce it...

                      but get this, the computer i bought in preparation for HL2 (about a year ago) just blew its PSU so i wont be able to play when it comes out anyway...oh well...


                      • #41
                        Hopefully BestBuy won't get sued for selling early, heh.

                        I think it's great they won't activate the game early just for some stores that decided to be cool and make some money early. It's fair that way.


                        • #42
                          terrorists win...for now.


                          • #43
                            word on the street, i've from a couple friends that valve contacted best buy and is allowing them to release HL2 if they have recieved their shipment. But remember this is just speculation not 100% truth!

                            In other news CS:S dont work w/ retail yet. :'(


                            • #44
                              best buy isnt the only one. reports first came from northern europe then spread like a plague overseas. (God i sound so cool!)


                              • #45
                                What did best buy do?

                                EDIT: nvm

