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No Early Unlocking

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  • No Early Unlocking

    As if you didn't already know, Half-Life 2 will not be unlocked earlier than the 16th. We already knew this, but never really wanted to accept it in our hearts. Valve reconfirms that the game will not be unlocked earlier.
    If you have purchased a copy of Half-Life 2, we are sorry you are still waiting to play. This is not Valve's choice. Vivendi is insisting that the game has not yet been released, and has threatened that Valve would be in violation of its contract if we activate the Half-Life 2 Steam authentication servers at this time.

    Thanks for your patience and we will update you when we have more news to share.

  • #2
    Damn, now we've got to wait two whole more days!


    • #3


      • #4
        I look into my crystal ball and predict a comments thread of flaming the two companies for no good reason.


        • #5
          Why not, how can vivendi say this is not on sale?


          • #6
            Edited by [user="57826"] @ [time="1100395299"]

            Heh, watch HL2 come out and turn out to be one big disappointment...

            The entire gaming population will riot, VALVe, Vivendi and Blizzard will go bankrupt all together, and the future of Gordon Freeman would be bleak! Gamespot would launch their private investigators to cunningly uncover the dark truths: what REALLY happened behind VALVe's closed doors all these years, the actual reason for the infamous "source code" leak, the crucial role of Steam in the sinister plot for world domination, and the horrifying parasitic creature residing in Gabe's belly...

            Egads. I hope not.


            • #7
              !!!!!! want to play now! cant wait could be already tuesday morning 10:01 GMT+2 (it's 10 hours forward than america)


              • #8
                Damn Vivendi. Damn them to hell!


                • #9
                  doom3 engine > source


                  • #10
                    yOMG VIVENDI!!1!!1!!!one! Me wants to play now!!!11!1 two more dayz is too long wow j00 sux



                    • #11
                      HitmanCodename48 wrote..

                      doom3 engine > source
                      at making dark indoor environments.


                      • #12
               Listen to the .mp3 file on there, you will laught at VU's stupidness because their Phone number is out... and their phones are getting owned :-D Just listen you will love it!!! Instead of flaming here, flame on the link above :-D


                        • #13
                          stfu HitmanCodename48 doom3 engine sucks balls hl2 is mucccch better the only thing good about d3 engine is the light/shadows, even tho in hl2 its not that bad eather and at least it has a story like unlike d3, go to resque som scientest and everything ****s up what kind of crap is that :P

                          still think vivedi sux, valve break the contract and let us live on with out lives ! playing hl2 ;D


                          • #14
                            I love Vivendi! However, I would love them more if they released the game after christmas.


                            • #15
                              I figured that. It was already stated that no early unlocking would happen, but now it's set in stone. Thanks Vivendi for making me wait another couple of days.

