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No Early Unlocking

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  • #16
    wingm8 wrote..

    I love Vivendi! However, I would love them more if they released the game after christmas.
    BOooo!!! And here comes the flame war people... OMFG... Dude why did you have to say that, why!?!??!


    • #17
      I think this is good. Not their fault those moron stores released it.


      • #18
        Duck Man wrote..

        I think this is good. Not their fault those moron stores released it.


        • #19
          They will hopefully release it soon and not on the 16th


          • #20
            kiriller wrote..

            stfu HitmanCodename48 doom3 engine sucks balls hl2 is mucccch better the only thing good about d3 engine is the light/shadows, even tho in hl2 its not that bad eather and at least it has a story like unlike d3, go to resque som scientest and everything ****s up what kind of crap is that :P

            still think vivedi sux, valve break the contract and let us live on with out lives ! playing hl2 ;D
            here comes the flames... all dressed in red yellow and orange...


            • #21
              i hope vivendi goes out of business one day, not b/c of the HL2 thing, but their business practices in general


              • #22
                xlokix wrote..

                Why not, how can vivendi say this is not on sale?
                rofl hahahahahhaha vivendi is stupid


                • #23
                  -AK- wrote..

                  i hope vivendi goes out of business one day, not b/c of the HL2 thing, but their business practices in general
                  Of what? Not releasing a game before it's release date? Damn their buisness practices!


                  • #24
                    gg Best Buy. Proving you don't know anything about retail as usual.


                    • #25
                      gumplunger wrote..

                      Of what? Not releasing a game before it's release date? Damn their buisness practices!
                      How about going to court because Valve wants to sell their own game with their own profit over steam? Somehow that's unjust for Vivendi.


                      • #26


                        • #27
                          i called all the local best buys, they recieved a notice to put it out onto the shelves and about 3 hours later they were told to remove it from shelves


                          • #28
                            Doom 3 engine = good.

                            Source engine = good.

                            Leave it there ffs trolls. Im happy to wait another 2 days for HL2, i mean ive waited this long...


                            • #29
                              the reason i want it to be released now is b/c i have a big test tuesday and i know im gonna stay up till 3 am EST to play hl2 for like 15 min so it really sux cuz i should get more sleep


                              • #30
                                kiriller wrote..

                                stfu HitmanCodename48 doom3 engine sucks balls hl2 is mucccch better the only thing good about d3 engine is the light/shadows, even tho in hl2 its not that bad eather and at least it has a story like unlike d3, go to resque som scientest and everything ****s up what kind of crap is that :P

                                still think vivedi sux, valve break the contract and let us live on with out lives ! playing hl2 ;D
                                are you retarded? the engine has nothing to do with the story line. imagine HL2's story and environments in the Doom3 engine. ok, i think i've made my point.

                                and about valve breaking the contract. yea, you are retarded. if valve did that they'd be in some deep legal shit. if they broke the contract, then vivendi would sue them again. and they'd win, because valve would be breaking a legally binding agreement. period. i'm sure there's a clause in the contract that basically fucks valve if they break it, so it only makes sense to wait the few days till tuesday. go outside and play football or something while you wait, nerd.

                                oh, and vivendi can suck a big wang. mine, to be more specific.

