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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • #16
    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    You know how glitchy it would be if there were humvees? (Not saying there will be...) Stupid Commanders will be dropping them all over the place in front of runways and on top of other humvees and tanks. Asides from this, a useful commander and good squadplay could make this an amazing feature, if you are bogged down and a road and can't get out of out, a humvee could drop out of nowhere and your squad could make the escape... very cool... If they put this in, but I think its just a big rumour, the game could now have a bigger twist to it but probably more bugs.


    • #17
      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

      What the heck is the reward for being a squad leader anyway?

      The Commander is rewarded for suppoting his team.
      Players (in squads or not) are rewarded for teamwork.

      The only advantage to being a squad leader now is that you can provide a mobile spawn point and direct your squad. And what do you get for hanging back, staying alive, and supporting your squad - nothing but self satisfaction.

      In the case that the rumor is true and even if it wasn't, I addressed a way to reward squad leaders / members in this thread

      In the case of match play, rewards (points) don't count, only wins so it is a totally different issue if they get rid of squad hopping.

      I myself am in favor of the change as long as they institute some reward for those who participate in the team aspect of the game through squads.


      • #18
        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        Originally posted by Bastian
        What the heck is the reward for being a squad leader anyway?
        The sence of satisfaction in a job well done and the apresiation of teammates.

        Maybe that isn't enough for some folks, but it keeps me going.


        • #19
          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          I agree that it would be a good idea to give some kind of bonus to smart squadleaders. As the commander's score is based on his team's performance, why not (partially) base the squadleader's score on his squad's performance?


          • #20
            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            They cant do that. It's stupid.


            • #21
              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              Originally posted by Bastian
              What the heck is the reward for being a squad leader anyway?
              You get to talk to the commander via VOIP, you get to call in UAV, artillery AND life saving supply drops, plus if you have decent squad you get to direct the action and what kits your squad uses and therefore usually kick ass for the lord is your doing the job right

              With a cohesive full squad you will almost always score MORE together then the 6 of you will playing apart.


              • #22
                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                Originally posted by MrBrown
                I don't think so, if the squadleader sucks in your 6 man team it's worse than having a good leader in a 3 man team. The difference is, being a squadleader will actually have a meaning then.
                The issue isn't the squad leader's quality. The issue is the number of resources within your squad to help keep things chugging along. A 3-man squad doesn't always have the kit variety to support longevity (medic, support, plus ample firepower to address threats), and one way around it is to rechoose a kit and rejoin the squad on location, after dying, to fill in the blanks and keep things rolling along.

                A 6-man squad is more likely to have good support within the squad (6 players contributing, with a higher likelihood of kit variety), so making changes to kits isn't as necessary.

                I will say, too, that if this change occurs you're going to see a much larger impact from bad squad leaders. If players have to join a near-full squad in order to make any progress then the chances of being stuck with a bad SL are much higher, and your alternatives will be very limited since you can't start your own with a few choice players.

                Originally posted by MrBrown
                Some mechanics built into the game for teamplay (the command system) are actually hurt by squadhopping. The squad's orders get deleted each time the squadleader leaves.
                Commander-sourced orders are usually pretty useless, if not completely ignored, so I don't consider the problem tangible enough to affect day to day gameplay.


                • #23
                  Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Is the bit about dropping jeeps for real? I'd love to see the commander have the ability to drop non aircraft on the battlefield. DICE could make it so the vehicles have less hit points so that aircraft can shoot them down in midair to kind of balance it out.

                  Originally posted by 22viPer22
                  You know how glitchy it would be if there were humvees? (Not saying there will be...) Stupid Commanders will be dropping them all over the place in front of runways and on top of other humvees and tanks. Asides from this, a useful commander and good squadplay could make this an amazing feature, if you are bogged down and a road and can't get out of out, a humvee could drop out of nowhere and your squad could make the escape... very cool... If they put this in, but I think its just a big rumour, the game could now have a bigger twist to it but probably more bugs.

                  Yeah, I'd really love to see this implemented. Of course we all know commanders are gonna use it to drop a humvee down in a crazy spot so they can camp and rack up points while commanding. You could do some funny things like drop a humvee at the carrier and run over the defenseless planecampers though! That would be hilarious.


                  • #24
                    Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    I am to the point I just don't care anymore. I love BF2 but this is rediculous, stop adding features untill you fix the bugs. But, I guess they cant fix the to distract us they just add some simple content and say "wallah!"
                    Oh well, UT2K7 comes out soon....will be nice to get a new game from EPIC, a company who is excellent at patches and free content. Kind of funny, I have bought all of the UT games and never once paid a dime more than the original cost of the game....INTERESTING CONCEPT!


                    • #25
                      Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      Drop a humvee on a carrier and rack up kills lol I love that idea. Maybe it would get people off the carrier on into the battlefield.


                      • #26
                        Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?



                        • #27
                          Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          I normally don't bad mouth Forum members but the people that are fiercely complaining about the squad hopping change have more than once shown what type of players they are.
                          They're always the first ones to complain about EA removing some Exploit or "unintended" use of something because they were the ones using them.

                          It's totally clear that DICE never intended Squad hopping to become such a major "tactic" let alone even exist.
                          Squad hopping has nothing to do with someone's ability to 'play the game'. Playing the game consists of using your character to beat the enemy using weapons and vehicles. Not exploiting a game mechanic that exists outside the battlefield.

                          I couldn't be happier about this Fix.


                          • #28
                            Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            [quote=Revoluti0n] Maybe someday someone will come along with a better formula and not compromise their vision of a game to suit everyone from 8-88 years of age.quote]


                            I think we should all turn are heads to this, Its from the creators of DC for BF42, The same people that EA totally screwed over before BF2 was released. I hope this game kicks EA in the nuts


                            • #29
                              Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              The thing is what are you more worried about. Ending the round or your score. The main time squad hopping is exploited is when there are no spawn points. This means the round will be over soon unless something is done. If you want more points then there needs to be a way to spawn somewhere to get more guys on the field. If you just want the round over then you wont want squad "hopping". Most people want the points for ranks and such so it really aint the biggest thing I am worried about in the patch as such is why the other post didnt get much discussion.


                              • #30
                                Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                                No more squadhopping is just lame, its what gave this game its fast gameplay and I'd hate to see it removed... Dropping humvees?!?! No further comment...

                                Im wondering... did they make this game for pubbers only?? Take a look at this conversation here:
                                Was laughing my ass of about the noobs who cried that the guy had no skill etc.. One even said he only cared about his score ( in clanmatches whahahahah)

