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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    Originally posted by Sadistic_1
    You're joking right?

    Sliding down a ladder fast using the shift key is something not everyone in the game knows, so is that now an exploit too? Using "not everyone knows about it" is not an excuse to take it out of the game or call it an exploit. You're beginning to run out of excuses now.

    Again, fix the real problems, then worry about the gameplay.
    yes let them fix the annoying create squad bug


    also a little pol on EA en TBF show this:
    EA forum
    Should Squad Cycling be stopped?

    26% [ 32 ]
    73% [ 88 ]

    TBF forum
    View Poll Results: Do you support an OPTIONAL server setting to disable squad functions while dead?

    Yes 55 35.03%
    No 102 64.97%

    SO tank you wargimp and mrbrown. stop whining about it.


    • Just fix the squad leader/commander job

      Yes, they do need to keep squad hopping in the game. There's both good and bad points, but in the grand scheme of things it's needed. Unless they want to add some automated code so that squadleaders and commanders are "watched" and removed after a period of time if they don't perform leadership actions as they should. Or have it nerf their points in that round. They should also automatically be "resigned" from the post if they are in a plane etc. where nobody can spawn off them anyway.

      That changed by itself may be enough to self-limit squad hopping. Sometimes I don't even realize I've become a squad leader since I joined in at postion 5 and in 2 minutes everyone has bailed and I'm suddenly a squad leader. If I don't happen to see the text go by on the screen I never know, and then of course my team is mad because I'm not leading. There should be some automated vocal warnings to squad leaders periodically to keep them on the ball. I for one do not check every 30 seconds to see my team postion. If I'm to busy to lead I resign, but all that does is promote the next person who may not realize it either. Just a cycle that needs to be broken- it isn't the ability to squad hop that is the root cause of the problem.


      • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        I don't know if this has already been posted in this thread, so here goes...

        If they do disable the ability to choose squad/leave squad/create a squad while dead, I thought of a very nasty repercussion. Imagine if there was only one spawn point left and there is a squad leader trying to take another flag. You can't choose his squad unless if you are alive. Now imagine that the other team is pummeling that one last spawn point that you hold. Everytime you spawn, you're immediately taken out by spawn-raping tanks/apcs/jets/artillery/whatever. How in the world will you have time to join that person's squad if you can't even stay alive long enough to do so?

        By disabling squad hopping while dead, they are effectively punishing those who use it for legit reasons. I'm not a big fan of squad hoppers that use squad leaders as quick-spawns (where they join/leave just as a quick teleport), but I do use it to help take flags quickly. If I'm dead and see a squad leader trying to take a flag by himself, I'll join his squad, help him take the flag and either stick with him or leave the squad and accomplish some other objective.


        • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          Yeah, I agree with The Soup Nazi on his last point.

          Especially in the context of baserape, and on maps like Wake Island and Iron Gator, removing squad join/leave/create while dead would be a bad idea.

          And who started this campaign against 'squad join/leave/create while dead' anyways? I mean is it a little late to be removing a game feature that has been in place since day one?


          • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            Well if you only have one damn flag left and the enemy has already surrounded you on that flag - Then you have lost! Live with it! The fact that squadhopping actually can overturn such situations actually shows why it is totally overpowered.

            At the moment, "thanks" to squadhopping, someone WILL break out almost every time no matter how much his team sucks, and so many wars end up like playing a stupid cat-and-mouse game. That's one of the many negative impacts squadhopping has on overall war tactics.

            ZRaves: According to your logic, absolutely no bugs should be fixed because they have been in place since day one?! Well I guess you didn't mean it that way, or did you?

            What seperates bugs and exploits?
            Basically nothing, but only bugs you can use to your advantage or to annoy others are called exploit usually.

            And a "feature" is always something that was planned and intended. Squadhopping doesn't fit into this category.


            • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              I like the idea. It'll give me a reason to bother spending ANOTHER 250 hours as squad leader.


              • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                Mr Brown, I don't think the ability to 'leave/join/create' squads while dead is an exploit. That is my opinion. Please stop stating your opinion as fact when it is simply your opinion.

                My opinion is that if it was a bug/exploit is should have been labeled as such and removed early on. Since we are talking a year since the game was released, I think that its a little late to now call it an exploit and remove it.

                Of course, this all revolves around opinion. Perhaps it was considered a feature before, and now it has fallen out of favor with some players and is being labelled an exploit.

                Even if it is removed, that doesn't mean its an exploit. Just like the ability to fire and jump, that was not an exploit yet it was removed in the witch hunt to nerf the GL.


                • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Originally posted by MrBrown
                  Well if you only have one damn flag left and the enemy has already surrounded you on that flag - Then you have lost! Live with it! The fact that squadhopping actually can overturn such situations actually shows why it is totally overpowered.

                  At the moment, "thanks" to squadhopping, someone WILL break out almost every time no matter how much his team sucks, and so many wars end up like playing a stupid cat-and-mouse game. That's one of the many negative impacts squadhopping has on overall war tactics.
                  So you not being able to sit and spawncamp till the tickets run out is a negative aspect? Right. And if you think that squad hopping is the only way a team is going to break out of that situation, well you must be playing some sorry ass teams.

                  I have already showed that IN GAME there is a command from the commander to split your squad, that coupled with the squadleaders ability to manage the squad via inviting others to it, or kicking members, shows that the ability to move among squads is not only INTENDED, but incouraged to help squads hold, defend and attack. All you guys clinging to the "creators intent" and "exploit" need to take a look at the game again and stop you damn whining about a tactic you apparently can't deal with.


                  • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    Originally posted by MrBrown
                    Well if you only have one damn flag left and the enemy has already surrounded you on that flag - Then you have lost! Live with it! The fact that squadhopping actually can overturn such situations actually shows why it is totally overpowered.
                    I can think of several instances of maps where one team or the other starts with only one spawn point. Take Wake Island, for example. Imagine at the start of the round that the PLA contiuously attacks the carrier and doesn't give anyone the opportunity to stay alive for more than a few seconds. There's a lone squad leader on land trying to take a flag, but noone can join his squad because everytime they spawn, they die. Granted, this is an unlikely scenario, but why should EA/Dice punish honest players trying to gain landfall just because people exploit the squad mechanic?

                    You've got a bit of tunnel vision going on.


                    • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      Originally posted by The Soup Nazi
                      but why should EA/Dice punish honest players trying to gain landfall just because people exploit the squad mechanic?

                      You've got a bit of tunnel vision going on.
                      They aren't exploiting, it's all built in game functions.


                      • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                        According to MrBrown's stance, it is an exploit of sorts.


                        • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          Originally posted by The Soup Nazi
                          According to MrBrown's stance, it is an exploit of sorts.
                          Mr. Browns opinion is not in line with the game and its features.


                          • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            Originally posted by Auto-ER-
                            Mr. Browns opinion is not in line with the game and its features.
                            Roger that.


                            • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              I don't disagree. And I personally don't mind the ability to squadhop. I agree that it's a little late in the game to make such a drastic change to BF2's gameplay.

                              I'd sooner rather see EA/Dice fix these bugs:

                              red tag bug
                              blue tag bug
                              stuck squad bug
                              stuck team bug (when you can't switch teams despite the target team having far fewer players)


                              • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                                Originally posted by USARANGER01
                                i like squad hopping. i think that it really is a good feature to have and help ppl play in functional, cooperative squads
                                I'm sorry, but the only way to play co-operatively in a squad is to stay in the damn squad. Jumping around from squad to squad is not co-operative squad play in any way. It is, however, very opportunistic and self serving play.

