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Patch 1.3 rumour discussion!

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  • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

    Originally posted by bitvomit
    It's not fun for the people that get abused by the exploiters.
    That doesn't answer my question. If the so-called exploiters have played with and against people using it, think it's fine, and would rather it stay, then that's a perfectly logical reason to keep it in. Whether or not DICE intended it to happen is irrelevant, the goal of the game is for people to have fun, and DICE shouldn't be making changes that make the game less fun.


    • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

      I think the "leaked" proposed fixes Thing is a hoax. Stop and think, Humvee drop? No way. That would just create problems.
      I can think of several other coments to make but I couldnt say it as well a Revolution did, I totally agree with him. I also think Logan needs a couple more go off pills, chill dude. . . . . . . . . Red


      • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

        Originally posted by redrider
        I think the "leaked" proposed fixes Thing is a hoax. Stop and think, Humvee drop? No way. That would just create problems.
        I can think of several other coments to make but I couldnt say it as well a Revolution did, I totally agree with him. I also think Logan needs a couple more go off pills, chill dude. . . . . . . . . Red
        It may well be a hoax but don't forget that everyone thought the leaked video of BF2142 was a hoax but it turned out to be real. DICE has more leaks than the White House's plumbing.


        • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

          Originally posted by bitvomit
          It's not fun for the people that get abused by the exploiters.
          It's only an exploit to you because you have some imaginary video game moral reason not to do it. Or you just suck and need to go play America's Army.


          • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

            Originally posted by PHPT
            That doesn't answer my question. If the so-called exploiters have played with and against people using it, think it's fine, and would rather it stay, then that's a perfectly logical reason to keep it in. Whether or not DICE intended it to happen is irrelevant, the goal of the game is for people to have fun, and DICE shouldn't be making changes that make the game less fun.
            Yeah, the exploiters always want to have their cake and eat it too. Notice that the only people that EVER want any sort of exploit in the game (noob tube,c4 chucking, bunny hopping, etc) are the ones that use it themselves. DICE never intended for any of these previous exploits to be in the game and look where they are now. The goal of the game is for people to have fun and the goal of DICE is to keep it fun by removing silly exploits. Removing squad hopping isn't gonna dumb down the fun factor at all, you and everyone else are just blowing things out of proportion. You will adapt to the changes just like everyone else and will continue to have fun. 3 months from now squad hopping will be just another dim memory like C4 chucking.

            Originally posted by (EWC)HisChadness
            It's only an exploit to you because you have some imaginary video game moral reason not to do it. Or you just suck and need to go play America's Army.
            I don't have any moral obligations. I squad hop whenever the opportunity arises. I exploit known exploits until they are phased out because I know everyone else will use them against me. I'd rather be on a level playing field than to suffer at the hands of exploiters because of some stupid moralistic mumbo jumbo mentality bs that degrades my gameplay experience just as much as the exploiters themselves. The difference between you and me is that I can acknowledge the unfairness of the exploit.


            • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

              Originally posted by bitvomit
              It may well be a hoax but don't forget that everyone thought the leaked video of BF2142 was a hoax but it turned out to be real. DICE has more leaks than the White House's plumbing.
              Are you sure that its the plumbing . . . :laugh:


              • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                Originally posted by bitvomit
                Yeah, the exploiters always want to have their cake and eat it too. Notice that the only people that EVER want any sort of exploit in the game (noob tube,c4 chucking, bunny hopping, etc) are the ones that use it themselves.
                "I'm scissors, paper is fine, nerf rock"

                Same mentality, people only whine when they're on the losing end. By the same mentality, perhaps we should take the jets/copters out of the game too since any given game, 90% of the players are busy getting owned by them.

                The GL for example was getting overused and most players were getting annoyed by it. The fact that DICE intended the GL primarily for use against vehicles, which it STILL is not used for, is irrelevant. Unlike most whined-about things though, squad hopping is also available to ALL players. And if most people would rather have it in the game, then the game is hurt more by removing it.

                You don't make a good game by catering to the minority.


                • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                  Let me give me a warning!! if they take this out!!

                  camping will be back like in bf1942 guys. mark my words because they don't want the squadleader to die, so they will camp, spawnrape everything ahhah

                  freaking noobs.

                  if you play bf2 the camping is not so big as bf1942 then
                  because they most cover the spawnpoints and the distance is much bigger
                  the squadleader compestate that because you can cycle with it.

                  if you don't believe me, play bf1942 and see it yourself. I gonna go to my old style again.
                  1. cover al the spawnpoints
                  2.and let just two man get a flag.
                  3. everybody is medic
                  4. and 1 anti-tank, 1 support

                  4 man squad: 1 anti-tank,1 support, 2 medic

                  and don't blame me if you get raped and you see a squadleader is on the other side of the map , only the thing you don't have the time to switch squads, because you are getting raped

                  and you will get raped all the time then. ahhaah


                  • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                    Originally posted by bitvomit
                    It may well be a hoax but don't forget that everyone thought the leaked video of BF2142 was a hoax but it turned out to be real. DICE has more leaks than the White House's plumbing.
                    As I said in another post, between this and WoW I've seen my fair share of bogus patch notes. They're becoming really easy to spot, and there are always like 5 sets of fake patch notes for every actual patch. Some of the additions are obvious or heavily-desired which makes it sound legit, but then there's always some overblown feature that doesn't really line up with the developers' historical laziness (like humvee drops) or organizational/spelling errors that give it away. Not only that, but if you actually do leak the real patch notes, you can be sued.

                    I'll believe it when I see it. Not a minute before.


                    • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                      Originally posted by PHPT
                      "I'm scissors, paper is fine, nerf rock"

                      Same mentality, people only whine when they're on the losing end. By the same mentality, perhaps we should take the jets/copters out of the game too since any given game, 90% of the players are busy getting owned by them.

                      The GL for example was getting overused and most players were getting annoyed by it. The fact that DICE intended the GL primarily for use against vehicles, which it STILL is not used for, is irrelevant. Unlike most whined-about things though, squad hopping is also available to ALL players. And if most people would rather have it in the game, then the game is hurt more by removing it.

                      You don't make a good game by catering to the minority.
                      Squad hopping is not available to all players. It's very esoteric, many people still don't even know that it can be done. The only reason I even know how to squad hop is because of these forums. How is squad hopping fair to the pubbers that never read forums and just play the game silently to get their $50 worth of fun? They will never know the tactics that they need to know to make the game even. You can't speak for anybody except for the people on here and other forums that openly defend squad hopping. That is still a tiny fraction of the BF2 community. Good games are made by removing bugs and exploits. If the minority happens to complain about something then that's fine, they paid $50 too. Did you think your $50 was worth more than mine?


                      • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                        Originally posted by bitvomit
                        Squad hopping is not available to all players. It's very esoteric, many people still don't even know that it can be done. The only reason I even know how to squad hop is because of these forums. How is squad hopping fair to the pubbers that never read forums and just play the game silently to get their $50 worth of fun? They will never know the tactics that they need to know to make the game even. You can't speak for anybody except for the people on here and other forums that openly defend squad hopping. That is still a tiny fraction of the BF2 community. Good games are made by removing bugs and exploits. If the minority happens to complain about something then that's fine, they paid $50 too. Did you think your $50 was worth more than mine?
                        squadhopping is for everbody avaible, only they most use there freaking brains.
                        and many people don't know they are doing it or called squadhopping.

                        don't give some freaking logical bull**** pff.

                        I didn't even know!! I only though that squadleader **** is a nice feature: can I could take more out!!

                        and my brains started to work


                        • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                          Originally posted by bitvomit
                          Squad hopping is not available to all players. It's very esoteric, many people still don't even know that it can be done.
                          Gee, like when someone tells you on VOIP to rejoin the squad to cycle the leader? It didn't take much brainpower for me to figure out that I could leave a squad and join a different one to spawn closer to a flag that wasn't controlled by my team, especially when I'm staring at a green dot and several join/leave buttons only seconds after every single time I die.

                          And yes, it's available to all players. It's not like the tube/C4 which are kit-specific, or copter insta-capping which was limited to a couple vehicles per map, or the overpowered jets which have a learning curve, ANYONE can squad hop.

                          Just because people aren't aware of a tactic that's defeating them doesn't mean that tactic should be removed. It just means those people need to suck it up and learn to ****ing play.

                          If the minority happens to complain about something then that's fine, they paid $50 too. Did you think your $50 was worth more than mine?
                          No, but if every set of $50 out there that thinks one thing is outweighed by $200 that think otherwise, sorry to say, your $50 does mean less. The only time I consider otherwise is when the minority is severely annoyed by something that changing is only a minor inconvenience to the majority.

                          Again, my main reason for even responding to this is that you said wanting squad hopping to stay irrational and illogical, and your responses are all totally ignoring reality. Reality being that the people that squad hop don't complain about their opponents doing it.


                          • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                            Originally posted by Terroser
                            squadhopping is for everbody avaible, only they most use there freaking brains.
                            and many people don't know they are doing it or called squadhopping.

                            don't give some freaking logical bull**** pff.

                            I didn't even know!! I only though that squadleader **** is a nice feature: can I could take more out!!

                            and my brains started to work
                            Your brains are not working properly because I can barely comprehend what you are trying to write. Go finish up some more homework before you attempt to insult me.


                            • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                              Originally posted by bitvomit
                              Your brains are not working properly because I can barely comprehend what you are trying to write. Go finish up some more homework before you attempt to insult me.

                              ahha what do you want to nerf my grammer then ahah noob.
                              can only say you grammer is (*&*(&

                              is very simple:

                              many people don't even know that it's called squadhopping what they are doing
                              many people don't use the brains to maxium the feature of the squadleader

                              and it's tottaly ********. that they most come on forums not know how to use it.

                              because my first week playing bf2, I though can I take more out of the nice squadleader function.

                              so mine brains started to work
                              so don't give me ******** that not everbody can't do it.

                              and if don't have nothing to say then about mine grammer. go and play adn other game.

                              Originally posted by PHPT
                              Gee, like when someone tells you on VOIP to rejoin the squad to cycle the leader? It didn't take much brainpower for me to figure out that

                              Again, my main reason for even responding to this is that you said want....................................
                              eh has a nice logical thinking..
                              you know


                              • Re: Squad hopping to be gone in 1.3?

                                i like squadhopping

