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First Titanfall is Exclusive to Xbox and PC, Vince Zampella is Not Happy

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  • First Titanfall is Exclusive to Xbox and PC, Vince Zampella is Not Happy

    Sorry hopeful PlayStation 4 owners, it looks as though Titanfall from Respawn Entertainment won't be headed to your platform. EA has stated that the game will remain exclusive to the PC, Xbox 360, and Xbox One for the entirety of its life.

    EA CFO, Blake Jorgensen, said this during today's financial call for EA.
    "In the case of Titanfall, it's a brand new IP and it's exclusive only for the life of the title on Xbox One and Xbox 360 and PC."

    Before you get upset with Respawn, here is what Respawn Entertainment's Vince Zampella had to say about this matter.

    Ho boy. Yes, it looks as though he isn't too thrilled about this and that EA (and Microsoft as they undoubtedly ponied up some good money for this deal) is the one to blame for Titanfall being exclusive to the Xbox and PC platforms. He does go on to say that the company does plan on making games for the PlayStation 4, "just not the first Titanfall." Look forward to Titanfall 2 appearing on multiple platforms if the first does well enough.

    It's a good thing the folks at Respawn got out of their abusive relationship with their previous publisher and moved to a publisher that treats them right and with respect!