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Is the Hind american or Russian?

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  • #46
    Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

    Originally posted by HicRic
    "A Hind D? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?"
    Haha, MGS.


    • #47
      Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

      Originally posted by Deez
      THE APACHE awaits me!

      The AD-64D Apache Longbow is the most lethal, survivable, deployable and maintainable multimission helicopter in the world.
      What about the Comache than?


      • #48
        Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

        Havoc is the MI-28 that is currently in the game for the MEC.

        I think it would have been cool though if Dice had decided to model the KA-50 Hokum instead of the Hind. It would have been more inline to what the apache brings to the table.

        Hokum is definitely the more interesting helicopter. Though the single seat may have given too much power to one player.

        Commanche was canceled. Mostly due to the fact that its main role was a scout/attack helicopter, but the UAV basicly surplanted its scout role and later when they use the UAV data to fire a predator from 5 miles away, the attack role was no longer needed.



        • #49
          Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

          Originally posted by Deez
          They are heavy and slow. Apache is far better.
          The Tigre would be better than the Apache Longbow. Also, the Hind might be slow, it has awesome firepower (it can carry more weaponary than the Apache).


          • #50
            Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

            Although the Cammanche is the most stealth combat heli...


            • #51
              Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

              I wonder how much of the Commanche project they really scrapped...I kind of have a conspiracy theory on this...


              • #52
                Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                Apache has the advantage of being a proven helicopter. 4 conflicts have shown that. KU-50 is a better helicopter, but it's not proven. The tiger is faster and has a better range then the Apache, but it lacks the firepower.



                • #53
                  Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                  Originally posted by =Sealinear
                  What about the Comache than?
                  Program was killed about 2-3 years ago.... so I would say it is pretty slow.

                  Originally posted by =12--RST-
                  What about that Coast Guard helo with the internal tail rotor, is it the Dolphin or something like that? That sucker looks pretty fast.
                  I know nothing of the Coast Guard.... other than their border protection missions. And while I too seriously doubt Fallout was an Apache pilot.... dont be too suprised at who you may run into on the forums. I know several Apache Pilots who play the game religiously as well as visit the forum here.

                  King_Nothing100: Thanks... wasnt sure about the Chinook speed and it probly was the Lynx I was thinking about but didnt recall the rocket assist.

                  Anzen: Why would you think the Tiger is better than the Apache. Not questioning your opinion or looking for an argument.. just curious as to the reasoning... you were not very specific.


                  • #54
                    Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                    Originally posted by SuperDonkey
                    I wonder how much of the Commanche project they really scrapped...I kind of have a conspiracy theory on this...
                    Would love to hear your theory.

                    My father flew Apache's, untill he retired a few years ago. (I would have liked to try but I get seriously Air sick.... :cry: .) He and his brother(Also in Army aviation) differed greatly on their views on the Comanche Program. 1 liked it 1 thought it was a waste. ultimately the conversion of the 0h-58 to the oh-58D Kiowa Warrior program aided in the delay of a bunch of Longbows as well as took a lot of money that was dog-eared for the , allready over budget, Comanche program.

                    A lot of the tech is still being looked into, so not sure if that is what you mean by "how much of it is being scrapped", but it had a lot of things that are still valid for future warfare.

                    But who knows.... maybe it is in some govt coverup still being done to "Spring to life" like the B2 did.


                    • #55
                      Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                      back to the original question.

                      DIDNT WE ALL LEARN THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESATION IN the original RED ALERT ???

                      ahh, those good old days


                      • #56
                        Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                        Originally posted by Fall0ut
                        I flew one of them F117 once, they suck too
                        Stop! Your pants are on fire!


                        • #57
                          Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                          Originally posted by IcemanNorth
                          Apache has the advantage of being a proven helicopter. 4 conflicts have shown that. KU-50 is a better helicopter, but it's not proven. The tiger is faster and has a better range then the Apache, but it lacks the firepower.

                          This (linkage below) hints at a couple of your points. Notice that it barely even mentions the (be)Hind. Maybe its because it's not strictly a gunship, but then again it may be because it's a HULKING POS!


                          You be the judge. They all have their good points, but I'll take the combat proven reliability of the Apache any day.


                          • #58
                            Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                            OMG yanky nubs! It frustrates and generall ****es me off when yankies brag about what they have accomplished :x Firstly, the British are well known to have the best education in the world which is why when you get a degree here people all over the world want you. You talk about building the Apache etc but who are the real brains behind it? Yes, the Brits! Due to States being able to provide the benefits and better salaries you simply take the best from here in the UK and work in the states. It is a fact and this has been said in BBC news as well as in mulitple Computer magazines. You dumb ****s in the States can't even program a simply "Hello World" application if it was thrown in your face, so please STFU with all your crap about how America is great.


                            • #59
                              Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                              ^Just angry because we gained independence lmao.

                              To the 12th guy, just because someone thinks that something american isnt the best, and has his opinion that the hind is better, doesn't mean he's anti american you great patriot.


                              • #60
                                Re: Is the Hind american or Russian?

                                Originally posted by pentium
                                OMG yanky nubs! It frustrates and generall ****es me off when yankies brag about what they have accomplished :x Firstly, the British are well known to have the best education in the world which is why when you get a degree here people all over the world want you. You talk about building the Apache etc but who are the real brains behind it? Yes, the Brits! Due to States being able to provide the benefits and better salaries you simply take the best from here in the UK and work in the states. It is a fact and this has been said in BBC news as well as in mulitple Computer magazines. You dumb ****s in the States can't even program a simply "Hello World" application if it was thrown in your face, so please STFU with all your crap about how America is great.
                                It frustrates me to see a fellow countryman fall to the blind patriotism he's so quick to criticise.

                                Dopethrone, bless you. I was beginning to wonder if anyone would understand my little addition to the thread.

