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Why do you hate stat padders?

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  • #46
    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

    LightBred, where the hell were you when we were having the discussion about sliced bread? WHERE?!

    Wait a second... what about people who actually use performance enhancing drugs to play Battlefield? I smoke pot and it improves my performance; what about people who smoke meth and play Battlefield? Couldn't that give an unfair advantage to those of us who smoke meth?


    • #47
      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

      I have no problem with stat padders.

      1) People dont stat pad anymore for awards, ranks, etc; They do it, because its CQB and fun, When they switch to Shotgun only rounds or C4, its a blast. Im sick of people screaming over it, grow the hell up. Its a friggin game for christ sakes. WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT A LEADERSHIP BOARD? P&K servers are no different these days then ranked, except its watched around the clock by admins and its even more CQB. Your speaking to a guy who used to admin a =SOB= P&K server for its clan as they asked me too. I look at it this way, if they arent hacking and having a blast, let them, they arent hurting anyone. I didnt admin it because I cared about the stats, I enjoyed laughing my *** off, everytime I got C4ed into the sky. EA can wipe my stats, We still earned them anyways, Im only a CPL through so either way I dont care as I dont admin it anymore, as it switched to BF2 Euro Forces and I dont care about ranks and awards, Im here to have fun. I dont even play BF2 anymore except for 21CW now as its funner, too many nutjobs who hack. So I admit it on TGN, Well SUE ME then.

      2) Why are we yelling about stat padders? Do you all not hate bunny hoppers and dolphin divers in IO maps or any other maps? Thats cheating and thats cheap.


      • #48
        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

        Originally posted by (RS)S|Pvt.Stephen[CRT] View Post
        I have no problem with stat padders.

        1) People dont stat pad anymore for awards, ranks, etc; They do it, because its CQB and fun, When they switch to Shotgun only rounds or C4, its a blast. Im sick of people screaming over it, grow the hell up. Its a friggin game for christ sakes. WHO GIVES A CRAP ABOUT A LEADERSHIP BOARD? P&K servers are no different these days then ranked, except its watched around the clock by admins and its even more CQB. Your speaking to a guy who used to admin a =SOB= P&K server for its clan as they asked me too. I look at it this way, if they arent hacking and having a blast, let them, they arent hurting anyone. I didnt admin it because I cared about the stats, I enjoyed laughing my *** off, everytime I got C4ed into the sky. EA can wipe my stats, We still earned them anyways, Im only a CPL through so either way I dont care as I dont admin it anymore, as it switched to BF2 Euro Forces and I dont care about ranks and awards, Im here to have fun. I dont even play BF2 anymore except for 21CW now as its funner, too many nutjobs who hack.

        2) See Above.
        Emotive ranting is bull****e, pure and simple. If what you're saying is true these people would do this on unranked servers. They NEVER do, they restrict this to ranked servers contradicting everything you've just said.

        Same applies to medals, points, and unlocks as mentioned by others. If they have no value and are not the reason people do this then why do they only do it on ranked servers. The awards, points, and unlocks are obviously not valueless if people are willing to do this to get them.


        • #49
          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

          Emotive ranting is bull****e, pure and simple. If what you're saying is true these people would do this on unranked servers. They NEVER do, they restrict this to ranked servers contradicting everything you've just said.
          Correct me if Im wrong, but DID I mention it was ranked? You sir are attempting to put words in my mouth, in fact the =SOB= server IS and always has BEEN UN RANKED and was full everyday. I just made it seem like it was ranked to show how much of an *** people can look like when replying like a smacktard. If you have never played on a Pistol and Knife Server, go watch a match in spectator mode. I know for a fact as little birdies told me, that Pistol and Knife servers dont just do P&K these days and the players dont join to stat pad. Don’t argue this, I know for a FACT. All your bitching and moaning I would expect from a 2 year old, not a teen +, "Mommy, These guys play pistol and knife, MOMMY, I suck so much at FPS that I moan about people having fun and I should go play ToonTown" Grow up.

          BTW, Bold and Underline is too get your point across. it works.


          • #50
            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

            Originally posted by Tomeis View Post
            Yeah but kidnapping is more for pissing someone off than padding points (atleast, from what I've seen)
            True. But in the early days of BF2, it's how they did it :laugh:.

            Originally posted by Chael View Post
            LightBred, where the hell were you when we were having the discussion about sliced bread? WHERE?!

            Wait a second... what about people who actually use performance enhancing drugs to play Battlefield? I smoke pot and it improves my performance; what about people who smoke meth and play Battlefield? Couldn't that give an unfair advantage to those of us who smoke meth?
            I play poorly stoned since I tend to run over more teammates. :|:


            • #51
              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

              Originally posted by TGL|Stephen View Post
              Correct me if Im wrong, but DID I mention it was ranked? You sir are attempting to put words in my mouth, in fact the =SOB= server IS and always has BEEN UN RANKED and was full everyday. I just made it seem like it was ranked to show how much of an *** people can look like when replying like a smacktard. If you have never played on a Pistol and Knife Server, go watch a match in spectator mode. I know for a fact as little birdies told me, that Pistol and Knife servers dont just do P&K these days and the players dont join to stat pad. Don’t argue this, I know for a FACT. All your bitching and moaning I would expect from a 2 year old, not a teen +, "Mommy, These guys play pistol and knife, MOMMY, I suck so much at FPS that I moan about people having fun and I should go play ToonTown" Grow up.

              BTW, Bold and Underline is too get your point across. it works.
              O' rly? What's your player name?


              • #52
                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                Like I said, only a Lance Cpl, as I dont stat pad. Playing on Pistol and Knife and Stat Padding, are two different things.


                • #53
                  Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                  Stephen, how do you know for a fact that people don't statpad anymore? Quit making baseless assumptions about why people join K/P servers.


                  • #54
                    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                    Not to jump aboard the bandwagon, but just having 1 server out of a sample of... say, 1,000 or more, in no way proves your point (as Wizrd already stated.)

                    Last time I played, about 3 months ago, there were still plenty of ranked K+P servers which (maybe not to you, but to the rest of the community) are there to help players rank up quickly. This is also known as stat-padding, which is wrong.

                    And then I must laugh at your "bunny hopping is cheating" comment - soo... stat padding is OK - or actually according to you, doesn't even exist - but jumping/proning (which has been around since the dawn of FPS!) is cheating? Sir, I don't know what servers you are playing on, but they sure aren't running the same game I'm playing.


                    • #55
                      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                      Originally posted by Sloi sauce View Post
                      If there was an appreciable difference between a class' weapons, I wouldn't be as apathetic about stat padders, but since acquiring shiny badges, new ranks and weapons doesn't actually give them an observable edge in combat, I simply disregard them and play.

                      I think Tomeis has the right approach.

                      thanks for support friend :|:

                      what you said is not the topic here, well it is now coz the other guy turned it all around, the thread starter asked "why do you hate statpadders"

                      well I hate them coz what they are doing is wrong, it doesnt matter if it effects me or not, how do you feel about robbers and people that kill innocent people out there?

                      if they kill some random person out there its not gonna effect you but you will still hate them, the law will go after them coz they did the "wrong" thing

                      in a real world its normal to hate wrong things, doesnt matter what it is, you are not considered a hater, its how human minds work, did you ever statpad? if no please tell me why you didnt?

                      I can probably answer it for you, its because you think its wrong


                      • #56
                        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                        I see what you're getting at Predrag, but I still disagree. When someone robs or kills someone, obviously someone is going to be hurt. But if we're talking about K/P servers, everyone has the chance to see the server name and the loading server text. They know full well that they're joining a K/P server.

                        For knife/rez kidnappings, there is someone innocent, but from what I heard, no one does that anymore.


                        • #57
                          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                          Originally posted by predragjanjic View Post
                          thanks for support friend :|:

                          what you said is not the topic here, well it is now coz the other guy turned it all around, the thread starter asked "why do you hate statpadders"

                          well I hate them coz what they are doing is wrong, it doesnt matter if it effects me or not, how do you feel about robbers and people that kill innocent people out there?

                          if they kill some random person out there its not gonna effect you but you will still hate them, the law will go after them coz they did the "wrong" thing

                          in a real world its normal to hate wrong things, doesnt matter what it is, you are not considered a hater, its how human minds work, did you ever statpad? if no please tell me why you didnt?

                          I can probably answer it for you, its because you think its wrong

                          Like wizrdwarts said, killing someone in real life will affect someone one way or another. Stat padding on BF2 on a knife and pistol servers won't affect anyone. And stop comparing BF2 to real life. If you're going to do that, then maybe stop playing BF2? Afterall, killing in real life is a very bad thing, so why isn't it bad to kill in BF2?


                          • #58
                            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                            Sorry Tomeis, but that I have to disagree with you on that last point. You're meant to kill the enemy in BF2. I think Predrag is just saying rule-breakers are rule-breakers, BF2 or real life.


                            • #59
                              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                              Originally posted by LightBred View Post
                              I play poorly stoned since I tend to run over more teammates. :|:
                              Same here, but luckily I also run over more enemies. If only they had a leaderboard for roadkills...


                              • #60
                                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                                Originally posted by Wizrdwarts View Post
                                Sorry Tomeis, but that I have to disagree with. You're meant to kill the enemy in BF2. I think Predrag is just saying rule-breakers are rule-breakers, BF2 or real life.
                                But he keeps relating BF2 to real life, though. It's ok to kill in BF2 because it's just a game. So why get upset when something happens in a GAME that doesn't affect you whatsoever? To relate BF2 "cheating" to real-life "cheating" just means he's taking the game way too seriously. Afterall, it's just a game, right?

