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Why do you hate stat padders?

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  • #31
    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

    That's like saying all pot smokers are one dark alley away from being crackheads.

    Of course most padders can't really play. If they join a clan based on their stats, the jig will be up soon enough.

    "E-Respect?" You actually think people respect fake rank on a video game? Yeah, about as much as the guy who can eat 48 hot dogs in 10 minutes. It's like a train wreck, you can't look away. People who put 2500 hours into this game are not to be envied, they are to be pitied. An average job is about 1000 hours a year. So either these people have no jobs, or they work a job and play this game, nothing else.


    • #32
      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

      Originally posted by Jimtool655321 View Post
      That's like saying all pot smokers are one dark alley away from being crackheads.

      Of course most padders can't really play. If they join a clan based on their stats, the jig will be up soon enough.

      "E-Respect?" You actually think people respect fake rank on a video game? Yeah, about as much as the guy who can eat 48 hot dogs in 10 minutes. It's like a train wreck, you can't look away. People who put 2500 hours into this game are not to be envied, they are to be pitied. An average job is about 1000 hours a year. So either these people have no jobs, or they work a job and play this game, nothing else.
      Actually, most normal 40-hour-per-week jobs are 2000 hours a year (well, 2080 from an accounting standpoint, but you figure most people take a week or two off a year for vacations so that's not actually 'working').



      • #33
        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

        Originally posted by Lazza66 View Post
        Because they're only a download away from being hackers, or cheaters as they should correctly be called (a hacker actually writes software).
        Who, besides hackers themselves, isn't a download away from hacking?


        • #34
          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

          Originally posted by Lazza66 View Post
          Because they're only a download away from being hackers, or cheaters as they should correctly be called (a hacker actually writes software).

          How many of them are there to rank up, get unlocks, then hit the public servers. And then they realise they can't play. At that point I would guess a good deal of them buy hax.

          They are taking shortcuts to get scores and unlocks, they are just the type that would make similar shortcuts in game (i.e. cheating).

          This is an over simplistic view of the issue, and it's disturbing that so many seem to think these are wise words.

          You seem to completely miss the fact that the padders stats are on the same database, and that they will play on non padding servers with their ill gotten gains.

          Clans recruiting players will look at their stats, and if they have been clever padders, they'll say wow you're in.

          Not only that, the medals and awards they are earning allow them ranks and weapons they have not earned, unlike the rest of us.

          Many of the medals they're cheating to get are prizes in themselves (even though they're virtual). Such as expert knife, pistol, explosives, sharpshooter, and should be earned. You might say, meh it's all virtual anyway, but I guarantee you if these could be traded like WOW objects online people would pay for them, they do have value.

          A padder who pads on a standard public server will in fact take the medal from the player who should have got it. You need to remember a lot of padding occurs on non padding servers.

          Your point about only 1,000 of a particular medal type being available is completely void. There are such awards, the biggie obviously being the 4 stars.

          Padders who gain a high rank doing it, then join normal servers get undeserved respect and commanding opportunities over their team. And yes, people do respect higher ranks more than lower ranks. I have an 85% chance of being picked up as a gunner with my 3 stars, and a 20% chance with a private rank.

          In general padding is bad for the game in so many ways, too many to list. Allowing padding normalises cheating behavior.
          You seem to be forgetting that a private first class can easily kill a 4 star general. Why? Because medals, ribbons, badges, ranks (not leaderboard ranks), and points mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING because they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If basic sniper badge gave me +1 magazine, and veteran gave me another 2 magazines, and expert gave me 3 magazines, then yes, stat padding would be a problem. But because, like I said, they do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, there really is no problem. The only time I get pissed off at stat padders is when they're on a pub server and take a jet, helicopter, or other vehicle and just sit in it, or just fly around in it doing nothing so that their vehicle time increases. But do you know how many times I've seen this happen? Maybe like once or twice out of my 600 or so hours of playing.

          99.9% of the time I completely forget that stat padders even exist. That's how insignificant they are.

          I don't know about you, but I certainly don't look at a 3 or 4 star general and think "WOW, I better stay away from him, he's going to slaughter me because he's a 3 star general!!!". I also don't do the opposite and kick gunnery sergeants or first classers out of my squad. Why? Because the badge, and the amount of points =/= amount of skill

          And if stat padding is a gateway to downloading hacks, then why have I only seen one or two hackers over the past year? They weren't even aimbots or wall hacks. Just simple commander hacks. And I play on the most popular 64 slot public servers where hackers would most likely be seen.

          Also, I believe the 4 star general days are over. Not thanks to stat padders, but thanks to the hackers. Every time I look at the leaderboard I see a whole new list of top 10. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, though, because I know I'm not going to waste 10 hours+ a day and get 4000 hours of play time just to get a badge that means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

          This why I like BF2's stat system. If you want to go for badges and medals then great! Go for it! But if you don't want to get them, then oh well! It's not like you lose anything if you don't get the awards.


          • #35
            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

            the question was "why do you hate statpadders?" not "do statpadders effect me or not"

            people were reset for statpadding in the past when EA actually cared, if it was fair, EA wouldnt do **** about it

            you think they make up rules just like that? They have a whole team of people goin over ideas and **** and if that whole team thinks statpadding should not be allowed then theres no reason to discuss this, not thet you need a whole team of people to decide if statpadding is fair or not, well you probably would need a team of people if all of them had your brains but yea...

            next time you purchase a game, head to the main menu and look for "extras"

            you might find some videos on "the making of the game" and see how it actually works

            I hate it simply because its cheating, I dont find it necessary to cheat in this game so why should other people, if you cheat in a video game then you are probably willing to cheat in real life, people hate cheaters heloooo?!?!?!?!


            • #36
              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

              Originally posted by predragjanjic View Post
              the question was "why do you hate statpadders?" not "do statpadders effect me or not"
              But for some people, that determines whether they hate them or not. Some people will just be indifferent to it if it doesn't affect them.

              you think they make up rules just like that? They have a whole team of people goin over ideas and **** and if that whole team thinks statpadding should not be allowed then theres no reason to discuss this, not thet you need a whole team of people to decide if statpadding is fair or not, well you probably would need a team of people if all of them had your brains but yea...
              I think we have a consensus that statpadding is unfair already. And I'm not asking whether statpadding should be allowed, but why people hate it.


              • #37
                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                because its unfair, cL0z3 7hR3@dz


                • #38
                  Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                  Well that was a clear, thought-out reply.


                  • #39
                    Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                    you forgot "true"


                    • #40
                      Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                      Sure it's unfair. I actually agree with that. But it doesn't affect you (unless you're a stat whore), so there's no real reason to get that worked up about it


                      • #41
                        Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                        Originally posted by predragjanjic View Post
                        lol wow, does this even need explaining?

                        "Marion Lois Jones(you), also known as Marion Jones-Thompson (born October 12, 1975 in Los Angeles, California), is a former world champion American track and field athlete of Belizean descent. She won five medals(statz) at the 2000 Summer Olympics(the rest of bf2 players are in here) in Sydney, Australia but has since been stripped of every Olympic medal dating back to September 2000 after admitting that she took performance-enhancing drugs(stat paddzorz)."

                        so basically you cheated to get what other bf2 players are trying to get the right way, I know its just a game but if you compare this to some examples from real life.........its wrong, I feel sorry for you if you cant understand it
                        Originally posted by Lazza66 View Post
                        Because they're only a download away from being hackers, or cheaters as they should correctly be called (a hacker actually writes software).

                        How many of them are there to rank up, get unlocks, then hit the public servers. And then they realise they can't play. At that point I would guess a good deal of them buy hax.

                        They are taking shortcuts to get scores and unlocks, they are just the type that would make similar shortcuts in game (i.e. cheating).

                        This is an over simplistic view of the issue, and it's disturbing that so many seem to think these are wise words.

                        You seem to completely miss the fact that the padders stats are on the same database, and that they will play on non padding servers with their ill gotten gains.

                        Clans recruiting players will look at their stats, and if they have been clever padders, they'll say wow you're in.

                        BAHAHAHA!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

                        Oh man!! Im dying here!! These remarks are priceless!!! :laugh:


                        • #42
                          Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                          If there was an appreciable difference between a class' weapons, I wouldn't be as apathetic about stat padders, but since acquiring shiny badges, new ranks and weapons doesn't actually give them an observable edge in combat, I simply disregard them and play.

                          I think Tomeis has the right approach.


                          • #43
                            Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                            Originally posted by Nicfurious29 View Post
                            BAHAHAHA!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

                            Oh man!! Im dying here!! These remarks are priceless!!! :laugh:
                            Ad hominem ftl. Got logic?


                            • #44
                              Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                              I don't care about them or my position on the leader board. I do find kidnappings funny as hell though. As far as doing it, it's kind of lame I guess sitting there for hours just to falsely inflate points for a digital rank but I guess everyone has their own pleasures.

                              They're a lot less annoying than those "don't rape the carrier/base" whiners.


                              • #45
                                Re: Why do you hate stat padders?

                                Originally posted by LightBred View Post
                                I don't care about them or my position on the leader board. I do find kidnappings funny as hell though. As far as doing it, it's kind of lame I guess sitting there for hours just to falsely inflate points for a digital rank but I guess everyone has their own pleasures.

                                They're a lot less annoying than those "don't rape the carrier/base" whiners.
                                Yeah but kidnapping is more for pissing someone off than padding points (atleast, from what I've seen)

